King James Version
And Nibshan, and the city of Salt, and Engedi; six cities with their villages.(Josué 15:62)
As for the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day.(Josué 15:63)
And the lot of the children of Joseph fell from Jordan by Jericho, unto the water of Jericho on the east, to the wilderness that goeth up from Jericho throughout mount Bethel,(Josué 16:1)
And goeth out from Bethel to Luz, and passeth along unto the borders of Archi to Ataroth,
And goeth down westward to the coast of Japhleti, unto the coast of Bethhoron the nether, and to Gezer; and the goings out thereof are at the sea.(Josué 16:3)
So the children of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, took their inheritance.(Josué 16:4)
And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar, unto Bethhoron the upper;(Josué 16:5)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Josué 16:2":

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Esta vez alabaré al Señor
Este artículo habla sobre la vida de Jacob y su transformación por el poder de Dios, su descendencia extraordinaria y la importancia de la alabanza como puerta a la redención. El propósito del pueblo de Dios es publicar sus alabanzas, glorificarle y exaltarle en toda su majestad y señorío.

Omar Soto
Tomar el manto de autoridad
En este sermón, el pastor habla sobre las etapas de la vida y cómo se relacionan con la historia de Eliseo. También se aborda el tema de la dependencia en diferentes áreas de la vida, incluyendo la fe, y se anima a los presentes a buscar a Dios personalmente para experimentar su poder en sus vidas.

Josué 16:2 - Referencia Cruzada

And Ahithophel was the king's counselor: and Hushai the Archite was the king's companion: (1 Crónicas 27:33)
And it came to pass, when Hushai the Archite, David's friend, was come unto Absalom, that Hushai said unto Absalom, God save the king, God save the king. (2 Samuel 16:16)
And the house of Joseph, they also went up against Bethel: and the LORD was with them. (Jueces 1:22)
And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first. (Génesis 28:19)
And the border went over from thence toward Luz, to the side of Luz, which is Bethel, southward; and the border descended to Atarothadar, near the hill that lieth on the south side of the nether Bethhoron. (Josué 18:13)