King James Version
And it came to pass, when the people removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people;(Josué 3:14)
And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,)(Josué 3:15)
That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.(Josué 3:16)
And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.
And it came to pass, when all the people were clean passed over Jordan, that the LORD spake unto Joshua, saying,(Josué 4:1)
Take you twelve men out of the people, out of every tribe a man,(Josué 4:2)
And command ye them, saying, Take you hence out of the midst of Jordan, out of the place where the priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging place, where ye shall lodge this night.(Josué 4:3)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Josué 3:17":

Isaías Rivera
¿Por qué vamos a respirar frente al Jordán?
El pastor habla sobre el significado de las piedras en la historia del pueblo judío y anima a los oyentes a hacer lo mismo con los eventos importantes de sus vidas y tener a Jesús en el centro.

Sarah Gautier
Tenaz en la tensión
Artículo sobre el sermón Tenaz en la tensión basado en Josué 3:14-4:7 que habla sobre cómo enfrentar la tensión en la vida y los principios para superarla.

Josué 3:17 - Referencia Cruzada

But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. (Éxodo 14:29)
And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground. (2 Reyes 2:8)
He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. (Isaías 25:8)
And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. (Éxodo 14:22)
By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. (Hebreos 11:29)
He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him. (Salmos 66:6)
And command ye them, saying, Take you hence out of the midst of Jordan, out of the place where the priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging place, where ye shall lodge this night. (Josué 4:3)