King James Version
Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei.(Deuteronomio 3:1)
And the LORD said unto me, Fear him not: for I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into thy hand; and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon.(Deuteronomio 3:2)
So the LORD our God delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to him remaining.(Deuteronomio 3:3)
And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.
All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many.(Deuteronomio 3:5)
And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.(Deuteronomio 3:6)
But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, we took for a prey to ourselves.(Deuteronomio 3:7)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Deuteronomio 3:4":

Charles Spurgeon
El Señor es capaz de detener a todos los enemigos de Su pueblo
Artículo sobre la capacidad del Señor para detener a los enemigos del pueblo y cómo podemos confiar en Él en tiempos de temor.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
De la crisis a la bendición
El autor, Dr. Roberto Miranda, habla sobre cómo el capítulo 20 de Segundo de Crónicas de la Biblia puede ser un modelo para la vida cristiana en tiempos de crisis. Josafat y el pueblo de Judá buscaron a Dios a través de la oración y el ayuno en medio de una crisis nacional y fueron bendecidos con la victoria a través de la fe y la adoración. El artículo también menciona cómo la palabra Beraca se utiliza para describir un negocio cristiano en México y cómo la misma trayectoria de la crisis a la bendición puede ser nuestra si confiamos en Dios.

Deuteronomio 3:4 - Referencia Cruzada

And the coast of Og king of Bashan, which was of the remnant of the giants, that dwelt at Ashtaroth and at Edrei, (Josué 12:4)
And their coast was from Mahanaim, all Bashan, all the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, and all the towns of Jair, which are in Bashan, threescore cities: (Josué 13:30)
The son of Geber, in Ramothgilead; to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to him also pertained the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, threescore great cities with walls and brazen bars: (1 Reyes 4:13)
And Moses gave unto them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land, with the cities thereof in the coasts, even the cities of the country round about. (Números 32:33)