King James Version
And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.(Números 12:14)
And Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days: and the people journeyed not till Miriam was brought in again.(Números 12:15)
And afterward the people removed from Hazeroth, and pitched in the wilderness of Paran.(Números 12:16)
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, every one a ruler among them.(Números 13:2)
And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of Israel.(Números 13:3)
And these were their names: of the tribe of Reuben, Shammua the son of Zaccur.(Números 13:4)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Números 13:1":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Sujeción a la autoridad
En este sermón, el Dr. Roberto Miranda enfatiza la importancia de vivir bajo autoridad y sujeción a las autoridades que Dios ha establecido. Se habla sobre cómo la rebeldía y la violación de la autoridad son las causas del mal en el mundo y se destaca la importancia del diálogo con los pastores y la necesidad de respetar la autoridad espiritual.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Vidas originales
En este artículo, el autor habla sobre la importancia de cuestionar lo injusto y encomendar nuestra causa al Señor. Se destacan historias personales y se hace un llamado a vivir vidas originales y ser agentes de cambio en el mundo.

Números 13:1 - Referencia Cruzada