King James Version
But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation.(Levítico 27:13)
And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the LORD, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand.(Levítico 27:14)
And if he that sanctified it will redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall be his.(Levítico 27:15)
And if a man shall sanctify unto the LORD some part of a field of his possession, then thy estimation shall be according to the seed thereof: an homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver.
If he sanctify his field from the year of jubilee, according to thy estimation it shall stand.(Levítico 27:17)
But if he sanctify his field after the jubilee, then the priest shall reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain, even unto the year of the jubilee, and it shall be abated from thy estimation.(Levítico 27:18)
And if he that sanctified the field will in any wise redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shall be assured to him.(Levítico 27:19)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Levítico 27:16":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Honra a Jehová con tus bienes
En este artículo, el pastor Roberto Miranda habla sobre la importancia de honrar a Dios con nuestros bienes y cómo esto nos lleva a la prosperidad y bendición. También destaca la ética esencial del cristianismo de vivir para Dios y servir en su Reino.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
No voy a ofrecer un sacrificio que no me cueste nada
En este artículo, el pastor Roberto Miranda habla sobre la importancia del sacrificio y la inversión en el plano material para que se dé un proceso espiritual grandioso en la Congregación León de Judá en Boston. También se habla del valor mágico y misterioso del lugar donde se ofreció el sacrificio en 2 Samuel 24:18-25 y cómo Dios quiere usar este lugar para Su Gloria.

Levítico 27:16 - Referencia Cruzada

So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: (Oseas 3:2)
Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, (Hechos 4:34)
Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. (Hechos 5:4)
The ephah and the bath shall be of one measure, that the bath may contain the tenth part of an homer, and the ephah the tenth part of an homer: the measure thereof shall be after the homer. (Ezequiel 45:11)
Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah. (Isaías 5:10)