King James Version
For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.(1 Corintios 16:9)
Now if Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear: for he worketh the work of the Lord, as I also do.(1 Corintios 16:10)
Let no man therefore despise him: but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me: for I look for him with the brethren.(1 Corintios 16:11)
As touching our brother Apollos, I greatly desired him to come unto you with the brethren: but his will was not at all to come at this time; but he will come when he shall have convenient time.
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.(1 Corintios 16:13)
Let all your things be done with charity.(1 Corintios 16:14)
I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)(1 Corintios 16:15)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "1 Corintios 16:12":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dios nos trata con una gran generosidad
En la Epístola a Filemón, Pablo habla sobre la generosidad y el amor de Dios hacia nosotros y cómo debemos mantener una tensión equilibrada entre ser siervos inútiles y hijos bendecidos en nuestra vida cristiana.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
2 Timoteo 3:10
En este artículo se habla sobre la importancia de perseverar en la fe y ser fieles a la enseñanza de la palabra de Dios. También se mencionan las pruebas que Dios puede permitir en nuestras vidas y la importancia de tener mentores y modelos de fe. Se destaca la importancia de la palabra de Dios como fuente de sabiduría y base de nuestro comportamiento en la vida.

1 Corintios 16:12 - Referencia Cruzada

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (Eclesiastés 3:1)
Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. (1 Corintios 1:12)
And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee; (Marcus 6:21)
And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. (Hechos 18:24)
But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, (Tito 3:4)
Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? (1 Corintios 3:5)
Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are your's; (1 Corintios 3:22)
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. (Hechos 24:25)