King James Version
And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubim of cunning work made he them.(Éxodo 36:8)
The length of one curtain was twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: the curtains were all of one size.(Éxodo 36:9)
And he coupled the five curtains one unto another: and the other five curtains he coupled one unto another.(Éxodo 36:10)
And he made loops of blue on the edge of one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling: likewise he made in the uttermost side of another curtain, in the coupling of the second.
Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and fifty loops made he in the edge of the curtain which was in the coupling of the second: the loops held one curtain to another.(Éxodo 36:12)
And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled the curtains one unto another with the taches: so it became one tabernacle.(Éxodo 36:13)
And he made curtains of goats' hair for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them.(Éxodo 36:14)

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Éxodo 36:11 - Referencia Cruzada

And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in the uttermost edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the second. (Éxodo 26:4)