King James Version
All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,(Mateo 21:4)
Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.(Mateo 21:5)
And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them,(Mateo 21:6)
And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.
And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.(Mateo 21:8)
And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.(Mateo 21:9)
And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?(Mateo 21:10)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Mateo 21:7":

Samuel Acevedo
Cuando el Señor te pida el burrito
En este artículo, el autor Samuel Acevedo reflexiona sobre la historia del burrito en la Biblia y cómo podemos aplicarla en nuestras vidas. A través de la entrega de lo que tenemos al Señor, podemos permitir que Él se glorifique en nuestras vidas y nos use para su propósito.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Zacarías 9: 9
El libro de Zacarías habla de la venida del Mesías y la promesa de que Dios traerá una solución a cualquier situación difícil. Debemos aprender a regocijarnos y celebrar en el Señor, incluso en medio del sufrimiento y la adversidad. Jesús vino como un rey justo, salvador y humilde, y debemos imitar esas cualidades en nuestras propias vidas.

Mateo 21:7 - Referencia Cruzada

And they that were sent went their way, and found even as he had said unto them. (Lucas 19:32)
Then they hasted, and took every man his garment, and put it under him on the top of the stairs, and blew with trumpets, saying, Jehu is king. (2 Reyes 9:13)
And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. (Marcus 11:4)