King James Version
And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth, shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle.(Éxodo 26:12)
And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent, it shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.(Éxodo 26:13)
And thou shalt make a covering for the tent of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering above of badgers' skins.(Éxodo 26:14)
And thou shalt make boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood standing up.
Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and a cubit and a half shall be the breadth of one board.(Éxodo 26:16)
Two tenons shall there be in one board, set in order one against another: thus shalt thou make for all the boards of the tabernacle.(Éxodo 26:17)
And thou shalt make the boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards on the south side southward.(Éxodo 26:18)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Éxodo 26:15":

Richard Booker
La fiesta de los tabernáculos
La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es una celebración bíblica descrita en el libro de Levítico. Durante siete días, los judíos realizan rituales y sacrificios para pedir bendiciones a Dios. Jesús celebró esta fiesta y aprovechó para demostrar su poder y autoridad espiritual.

Richard Booker
La fiesta de los tabernáculos
El orador habla sobre el futuro del Reino de Dios y la celebración de la fiesta de tabernáculos en Jerusalén.

Éxodo 26:15 - Referencia Cruzada

And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou shalt make six boards. (Éxodo 26:22)
And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up. (Éxodo 40:17)
And thou shalt make the boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards on the south side southward. (Éxodo 26:18)
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; (Efesios 2:20)
And this is the charge of their burden, according to all their service in the tabernacle of the congregation; the boards of the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and sockets thereof, (Números 4:31)
And he made boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood, standing up. (Éxodo 36:20)
And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood, (Éxodo 25:5)