King James Version
According to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.(Éxodo 25:9)
And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.(Éxodo 25:10)
And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about.(Éxodo 25:11)
And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it.
And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.(Éxodo 25:13)
And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them.(Éxodo 25:14)
The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.(Éxodo 25:15)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Éxodo 25:12":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Sermon clásico #6062: El arca dentro de nosotros
En este sermón, el Dr. Roberto Miranda habla sobre la importancia de someterse a Dios y experimentar una transformación total en nuestra vida cristiana. El camino del Señor puede tener tiempos de prueba y dificultad antes de la bendición y la cosecha, y debemos estar dispuestos a enfrentar nuestras áreas de conflicto y tribulación para invertir en el reino de los cielos a largo plazo.

Sergio Pérez
Como edificar un templo para Dios
El orador habla sobre la importancia de edificar casas hermosas para Dios y la generosidad en el dar para financiar proyectos del reino de Dios. También comparte cómo Dios lo ha desafiado financieramente a lo largo de los años.

Éxodo 25:12 - Referencia Cruzada

And the staves shall be put into the rings, and the staves shall be upon the two sides of the altar, to bear it. (Éxodo 27:7)
And he put the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to bear it withal; he made the altar hollow with boards. (Éxodo 38:7)
And thou shalt make for it four rings of gold, and put the rings in the four corners that are on the four feet thereof. (Éxodo 25:26)
The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it. (Éxodo 25:15)
And thou shalt overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings of gold for places for the bars: and thou shalt overlay the bars with gold. (Éxodo 26:29)
And he put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, to bear the ark. (Éxodo 37:5)