King James Version
And the meat offering shall be an ephah for a ram, and the meat offering for the lambs as he shall be able to give, and an hin of oil to an ephah.(Ezequiel 46:5)
And in the day of the new moon it shall be a young bullock without blemish, and six lambs, and a ram: they shall be without blemish.(Ezequiel 46:6)
And he shall prepare a meat offering, an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, and for the lambs according as his hand shall attain unto, and an hin of oil to an ephah.(Ezequiel 46:7)
And when the prince shall enter, he shall go in by the way of the porch of that gate, and he shall go forth by the way thereof.
But when the people of the land shall come before the LORD in the solemn feasts, he that entereth in by the way of the north gate to worship shall go out by the way of the south gate; and he that entereth by the way of the south gate shall go forth by the way of the north gate: he shall not return by the way of the gate whereby he came in, but shall go forth over against it.(Ezequiel 46:9)
And the prince in the midst of them, when they go in, shall go in; and when they go forth, shall go forth.(Ezequiel 46:10)
And in the feasts and in the solemnities the meat offering shall be an ephah to a bullock, and an ephah to a ram, and to the lambs as he is able to give, and an hin of oil to an ephah.(Ezequiel 46:11)

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Ezequiel 46:8 - Referencia Cruzada

Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut. (Ezequiel 44:1)
And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. (Ezequiel 46:2)
And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. (Colosenses 1:18)