King James Version
Take him, and look well to him, and do him no harm; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee.(Jeremías 39:12)
So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard sent, and Nebushasban, Rabsaris, and Nergalsharezer, Rabmag, and all the king of Babylon's princes;(Jeremías 39:13)
Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.(Jeremías 39:14)
Now the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah, while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying,
Go and speak to Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before thee.(Jeremías 39:16)
But I will deliver thee in that day, saith the LORD: and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid.(Jeremías 39:17)
For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the LORD.(Jeremías 39:18)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Jeremías 39:15":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Jeremías 29
Reflexión sobre la carta que Dios envía a los judíos exiliados en Babilonia en Jeremías 29, y cómo podemos aplicar sus enseñanzas a nuestra vida cristiana.

Marta Ramirez
En los peores momentos de la vida Dios habla por segunda vez
El artículo habla sobre la importancia de tener fe en Dios y confiar en sus promesas en momentos difíciles. Se enfoca en la historia de Jeremías y cómo Dios le habló incluso estando en prisión, prometiendo sanidad, restauración y perdón. El autor anima al lector a esperar en Dios y confiar en sus promesas.

Charles Spurgeon
Los siervos perseguidos de Dios
El profeta Jeremías habla sobre la protección divina hacia aquellos que defienden a los siervos de Dios.

Jeremías 39:15 - Referencia Cruzada

Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit Jeremiah into the court of the prison, and that they should give him daily a piece of bread out of the bakers' street, until all the bread in the city were spent. Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison. (Jeremías 37:21)
Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. (2 Timoteo 2:9)
Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people. (Jeremías 39:14)
The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar. (Jeremías 32:1)
And it came to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that this word came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, (Jeremías 36:1)