King James Version
Shalt thou reign, because thou closest thyself in cedar? did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him?(Jeremías 22:15)
He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? saith the LORD.(Jeremías 22:16)
But thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thy covetousness, and for to shed innocent blood, and for oppression, and for violence, to do it.(Jeremías 22:17)
Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or, Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!
He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.(Jeremías 22:19)
Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages: for all thy lovers are destroyed.(Jeremías 22:20)
I spake unto thee in thy prosperity; but thou saidst, I will not hear. This hath been thy manner from thy youth, that thou obeyedst not my voice.(Jeremías 22:21)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Jeremías 22:18":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Nuestra fe debe afectar todos los aspectos de nuestra vida
Consejos sobre cómo la fe debe afectar todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, desde nuestras creencias hasta nuestras decisiones públicas y políticas. Al renunciar al pecado y vivir según los principios espirituales, podemos recibir la bendición de Dios.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
De la crisis a la bendición
El autor, Dr. Roberto Miranda, habla sobre cómo el capítulo 20 de Segundo de Crónicas de la Biblia puede ser un modelo para la vida cristiana en tiempos de crisis. Josafat y el pueblo de Judá buscaron a Dios a través de la oración y el ayuno en medio de una crisis nacional y fueron bendecidos con la victoria a través de la fe y la adoración. El artículo también menciona cómo la palabra Beraca se utiliza para describir un negocio cristiano en México y cómo la misma trayectoria de la crisis a la bendición puede ser nuestra si confiamos en Dios.

Jeremías 22:18 - Referencia Cruzada

And it came to pass, that in process of time, after the end of two years, his bowels fell out by reason of his sickness: so he died of sore diseases. And his people made no burning for him, like the burning of his fathers. (2 Crónicas 21:19)
But thou shalt die in peace: and with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings which were before thee, so shall they burn odours for thee; and they will lament thee, saying, Ah lord! for I have pronounced the word, saith the LORD. (Jeremías 34:5)
And Jeremiah lamented for Josiah: and all the singing men and the singing women spake of Josiah in their lamentations to this day, and made them an ordinance in Israel: and, behold, they are written in the lamentations. (2 Crónicas 35:25)
And the king lamented over Abner, and said, Died Abner as a fool dieth? (2 Samuel 3:33)
They shall die of grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth: and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcases shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth. (Jeremías 16:4)
I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. (2 Samuel 1:26)
And he laid his carcass in his own grave; and they mourned over him, saying, Alas, my brother! (1 Reyes 13:30)
Weep ye not for the dead, neither bemoan him: but weep sore for him that goeth away: for he shall return no more, nor see his native country. (Jeremías 22:10)
Both the great and the small shall die in this land: they shall not be buried, neither shall men lament for them, nor cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for them: (Jeremías 16:6)