King James Version
Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men.(Jeremías 9:2)
And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD.(Jeremías 9:3)
Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.(Jeremías 9:4)
And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.
Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.(Jeremías 9:6)
Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will melt them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of my people?(Jeremías 9:7)
Their tongue is as an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in heart he layeth his wait.(Jeremías 9:8)

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¡Cuidado con los gabaonitas modernos!
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Jeremías 9:5 - Referencia Cruzada

They helped every one his neighbour; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage. (Isaías 41:6)
Thou art wearied in the greatness of thy way; yet saidst thou not, There is no hope: thou hast found the life of thine hand; therefore thou wast not grieved. (Isaías 57:10)
They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah. (Salmos 140:3)
O my people, what have I done unto thee? and wherein have I wearied thee? testify against me. (Miqueas 6:3)
Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. (Efesios 4:25)
She hath wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire. (Ezequiel 24:12)
Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit. (Salmos 50:19)
Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. (Salmos 7:14)
And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD. (Jeremías 9:3)
For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. (Proverbios 4:16)
Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words: (Salmos 64:3)
The smith with the tongs both worketh in the coals, and fashioneth it with hammers, and worketh it with the strength of his arms: yea, he is hungry, and his strength faileth: he drinketh no water, and is faint. (Isaías 44:12)
Should thy lies make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? (Job 11:3)
Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: (Isaías 5:18)
In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. (Isaías 59:13)
For thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, and thou choosest the tongue of the crafty. (Job 15:5)
And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. (Génesis 19:11)
Their tongue is as an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in heart he layeth his wait. (Jeremías 9:8)
Behold, is it not of the LORD of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? (Habacuc 2:13)
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (1 Timoteo 4:2)
For the rich men thereof are full of violence, and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth. (Miqueas 6:12)