King James Version
For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water.(Isaías 3:1)
The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient,(Isaías 3:2)
The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator.(Isaías 3:3)
And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.
And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.(Isaías 3:5)
When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand:(Isaías 3:6)
In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people.(Isaías 3:7)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Isaías 3:4":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dios no ha terminado de tratar con los líderes de nuestras naciones
El Dr. Roberto Miranda habla sobre el papel de la iglesia en llamar a los líderes nacionales al arrepentimiento y al acercamiento a Dios a través del temor a Él y del poder profético.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Cuando Dios da una Palabra se cumplirá en todos los sentidos
Artículo sobre la importancia de creer en las palabras proféticas de Dios y cómo estas se cumplen, incluso en momentos de incredulidad y sufrimiento espiritual. Se habla de un gran mover profético que traerá una cosecha de almas y bendición a las naciones, y cómo la Palabra de la Iglesia será un poderoso rompe cercos del enemigo.

Isaías 3:4 - Referencia Cruzada

Zedekiah was one and twenty years old when he began to reign, and reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. (2 Crónicas 36:11)
Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God. (2 Crónicas 36:5)
And now, O LORD my God, thou hast made thy servant king instead of David my father: and I am but a little child: I know not how to go out or come in. (1 Reyes 3:7)
Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem: (2 Crónicas 33:1)
Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem one and thirty years. (2 Crónicas 34:1)
Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD. (2 Crónicas 36:9)
Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning! (Eclesiastés 10:16)
Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. (2 Crónicas 36:2)