King James Version
And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.(Génesis 45:4)
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.(Génesis 45:5)
For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest.(Génesis 45:6)
And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.(Génesis 45:8)
Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not:(Génesis 45:9)
And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast:(Génesis 45:10)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Génesis 45:7":

Fanny Rodríguez
Dios ya te ha perdonado - ahora perdónate a ti mismo
Artículo sobre la importancia del perdón propio y la capacidad de perdonar, basado en la historia de José en la Biblia. Se destaca la importancia de la comunicación continua con Dios y la certeza de su presencia en la vida para lograr perdonar y perdonarse a uno mismo.

Jonatán Toledo
José y su papa
En la historia bíblica de José, él era el hijo favorito de Jacob y sus hermanos lo odiaban por ello. José era obediente y amaba a Dios, y Dios habló con él a través de sueños. Los padres deben ser cuidadosos con el favoritismo en los niños, pero también deben celebrar y valorar las cosas buenas que hacen sus hijos en el camino de Dios. Debemos estar atentos al llamado de Dios en nuestras vidas y seguirlo con confianza y obediencia.

Génesis 45:7 - Referencia Cruzada

Thou art my King, O God: command deliverances for Jacob. (Salmos 44:4)
And he was sore athirst, and called on the LORD, and said, Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised? (Jueces 15:18)
Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore. (Salmos 18:50)
This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. (Hechos 7:35)
And they set themselves in the midst of that parcel, and delivered it, and slew the Philistines; and the LORD saved them by a great deliverance. (1 Crónicas 11:14)