King James Version
And they said one to another, We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come upon us.(Génesis 42:21)
And Reuben answered them, saying, Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the child; and ye would not hear? therefore, behold, also his blood is required.(Génesis 42:22)
And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto them by an interpreter.(Génesis 42:23)
And he turned himself about from them, and wept; and returned to them again, and communed with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound him before their eyes.
Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them.(Génesis 42:25)
And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence.(Génesis 42:26)
And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth.(Génesis 42:27)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Génesis 42:24":

Fanny Rodríguez
Dios ya te ha perdonado - ahora perdónate a ti mismo
Artículo sobre la importancia del perdón propio y la capacidad de perdonar, basado en la historia de José en la Biblia. Se destaca la importancia de la comunicación continua con Dios y la certeza de su presencia en la vida para lograr perdonar y perdonarse a uno mismo.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Una oportunidad desperdiciada
Este sermón habla sobre cómo reaccionamos ante las ofensas y conflictos en nuestras vidas, y la importancia de vivir conforme a los principios del Reino de Dios. Se utiliza la historia de Dina en Génesis para ilustrar cómo los hijos de Dios deben poner por encima los valores del Reino de Dios, como la paz, la misericordia y el perdón.

Génesis 42:24 - Referencia Cruzada

And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. (1 Corintios 12:26)
Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. (Génesis 49:5)
And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there. (Génesis 43:30)
And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved. (Génesis 43:14)
And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. (Génesis 45:14)
And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks: I had your money. And he brought Simeon out unto them. (Génesis 43:23)
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebreos 4:15)
And it came to pass on the third day, when they were sore, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, took each man his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew all the males. (Génesis 34:25)
And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, (Lucas 19:41)
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. (Romanos 12:15)
And of some have compassion, making a difference: (Judas 1:22)
In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old. (Isaías 63:9)