King James Version
Then Asa was wroth with the seer, and put him in a prison house; for he was in a rage with him because of this thing. And Asa oppressed some of the people the same time.(2 Crónicas 16:10)
And, behold, the acts of Asa, first and last, lo, they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.(2 Crónicas 16:11)
And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians.(2 Crónicas 16:12)
And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.
And they buried him in his own sepulchres, which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odorous and divers kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries' art: and they made a very great burning for him.(2 Crónicas 16:14)
And Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead, and strengthened himself against Israel.(2 Crónicas 17:1)
And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken.(2 Crónicas 17:2)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "2 Crónicas 16:13":

Charles Spurgeon
Perseverancia en hacer el bien
Artículo sobre la importancia de perseverar en el camino del Señor y entregarse completamente a su causa.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
De la crisis a la bendición
El autor, Dr. Roberto Miranda, habla sobre cómo el capítulo 20 de Segundo de Crónicas de la Biblia puede ser un modelo para la vida cristiana en tiempos de crisis. Josafat y el pueblo de Judá buscaron a Dios a través de la oración y el ayuno en medio de una crisis nacional y fueron bendecidos con la victoria a través de la fe y la adoración. El artículo también menciona cómo la palabra Beraca se utiliza para describir un negocio cristiano en México y cómo la misma trayectoria de la crisis a la bendición puede ser nuestra si confiamos en Dios.

2 Crónicas 16:13 - Referencia Cruzada

And Asa slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead. (1 Reyes 15:24)