King James Version
And the fame of David went out into all lands; and the LORD brought the fear of him upon all nations.(1 Crónicas 14:17)
And David made him houses in the city of David, and prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent.(1 Crónicas 15:1)
Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever.(1 Crónicas 15:2)
And David gathered all Israel together to Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the LORD unto his place, which he had prepared for it.
And David assembled the children of Aaron, and the Levites:(1 Crónicas 15:4)
Of the sons of Kohath; Uriel the chief, and his brethren an hundred and twenty:(1 Crónicas 15:5)
Of the sons of Merari; Asaiah the chief, and his brethren two hundred and twenty:(1 Crónicas 15:6)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "1 Crónicas 15:3":

Samuel Acevedo
Cuando la gloria del Señor entra a tu casa
Reflexión sobre la importancia de la presencia divina en nuestras vidas y hogares, basada en la historia de David y el Arca de Dios en 2 Samuel 6:1-12.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
No conformarse con menos que lo mejor
En este sermón, el pastor habla acerca de la importancia de buscar la presencia y la gloria de Dios en la Iglesia, a través de la adoración verdadera y el ayuno poderoso. Invita a aquellos que sienten la necesidad de consagrarse completamente a Dios a no conformarse con menos y trabajar para Él.

1 Crónicas 15:3 - Referencia Cruzada

And they brought in the ark of the LORD, and set it in his place, in the midst of the tabernacle that David had pitched for it: and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD. (2 Samuel 6:17)
And it was told king David, saying, The LORD hath blessed the house of Obededom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of David with gladness. (2 Samuel 6:12)
And David made him houses in the city of David, and prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent. (1 Crónicas 15:1)
And said unto them, Ye are the chief of the fathers of the Levites: sanctify yourselves, both ye and your brethren, that ye may bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel unto the place that I have prepared for it. (1 Crónicas 15:12)
So David gathered all Israel together, from Shihor of Egypt even unto the entering of Hemath, to bring the ark of God from Kirjathjearim. (1 Crónicas 13:5)
Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion. (1 Reyes 8:1)