King James Version
The sons, I say, of Reuben the firstborn of Israel were, Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.(1 Crónicas 5:3)
The sons of Joel; Shemaiah his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son,(1 Crónicas 5:4)
Micah his son, Reaia his son, Baal his son,(1 Crónicas 5:5)
Beerah his son, whom Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria carried away captive: he was prince of the Reubenites.
And his brethren by their families, when the genealogy of their generations was reckoned, were the chief, Jeiel, and Zechariah,(1 Crónicas 5:7)
And Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel, who dwelt in Aroer, even unto Nebo and Baalmeon:(1 Crónicas 5:8)
And eastward he inhabited unto the entering in of the wilderness from the river Euphrates: because their cattle were multiplied in the land of Gilead.(1 Crónicas 5:9)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "1 Crónicas 5:6":

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Esta vez alabaré al Señor
Este artículo habla sobre la vida de Jacob y su transformación por el poder de Dios, su descendencia extraordinaria y la importancia de la alabanza como puerta a la redención. El propósito del pueblo de Dios es publicar sus alabanzas, glorificarle y exaltarle en toda su majestad y señorío.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
II Crónicas 29
La historia de Israel en los libros de Samuel, Reyes y Crónicas provee modelos de vida y enseñanzas espirituales. El rey Ezequías es un ejemplo de un hombre recto y con pasión por Dios que fue prosperado. El fundamento de la vida de una persona y de una nación debe ser espiritual. El avivamiento en Estados Unidos debe comenzar por la casa de Dios y por una determinación firme de seguir al Señor en integridad y pasión. El avivamiento vendrá cuando nos apasionemos por Dios y lo amemos por encima de todo.

1 Crónicas 5:6 - Referencia Cruzada

In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and Abelbethmaachah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and carried them captive to Assyria. (2 Reyes 15:29)
And Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria came unto him, and distressed him, but strengthened him not. (2 Crónicas 28:20)
And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day. (1 Crónicas 5:26)
So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, saying, I am thy servant and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, which rise up against me. (2 Reyes 16:7)