the samuel generation

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of Samuel in the temple as a child teaches us about the importance of ministering to children and preparing them as a generation in the spirit of Samuel. Eli represents spiritual laziness and corruption, while Samuel represents new life, anointing, and a new generation. God wants to communicate with his people, including children, and we need to learn how to discern his voice and respond to him. Samuel's prophetic vision from God about Eli's house shows the weightiness of the calling God has for children. We must not overlook or underestimate the potential of children to hear from God and impact the world.

The speaker discusses the story of Samuel in the Bible and how God is calling for a generation like Samuel's to be raised up in the church. He believes that God is preparing a time for the church to have great authority and impact in the world, including in areas like government, media, and education. He also emphasizes the importance of valuing and raising up children in the church, as they will be the ones to bring change and transformation in the future. The Latino community is highlighted as a prophetic community with a duty to disciple and evangelize its members to make a difference in the country. Overall, the speaker encourages the church to prepare for a new era and to focus on raising up a new generation of leaders.

The Samuel generation is a generation of children with a prophetic anointing on their lives. Parents must value, consecrate, and give their children to the Lord from a young age. Men have an important role to play in the education of children. The Samuel generation is destined to replace the current church and bring revival and renewal. Children must be trained in the mysteries and content of the Bible, and how to communicate with God. They must be instructed in a spiritual mindset and trained to be warriors. They must be consecrated to the Lord and given prophetic names. The Samuel generation will bring order both within and outside the church and inspire holy fear among the unconverted.

The devil still has the hearts of the people, making them believe that the solution lies in more knowledge and science, but the Church of Christ believes that the best times are ahead. They are preparing a new generation of leaders for God, filled with the Holy Spirit and moving in the power of God. They consecrate children to the Lord, declaring them to be the Samuel generation, anointed with the Holy Spirit, prophetic and wise in the use of spiritual weapons of warfare. Parents are urged to educate their children in the power and fear of God, providing them with healthy environments where the presence of God can move. The Lord is preparing a generation of spiritual warriors, priests, and generals for the harvest of the last times, and His glory will rest on them.

The First Book of Samuel, chapter 3. First of Samuel chapter 3 and I am going to share with you something very special, that I believe that God wants this to be shared. Yesterday we had a beautiful event where members of about 15 Hispanic churches from Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts came, and there were a large number of leaders here who work in the Ministry of Education for Children, Early Childhood Education. There was a lot of blessing, many workshops that were given here.

God has blessed our church with a program called AWANA, the letters mean something that is not clear to me right now, but AWANA has revolutionized infant education and by the way we thank the Lord for all the teachers who have blessed our church for so many years with Children's Sunday School, Children's classes and the Lord just keeps getting better, better, better so we thank God for all those teachers who have worked so hard in the past.

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