on faith

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker begins by asking the audience how many of them have faith, emphasizing the importance of having conviction and certainty in what is expected and not seen. He then explains that faith is about believing in something or someone, even beyond what our senses can prove. He relates this to our faith in Jesus Christ and the belief in his ability to save us. He presents a graph that shows the dynamic of faith in our relationship with God, where our actions respond to God's actions in our lives. He cites Bible verses to support the idea that our response to God's actions is necessary for our salvation and that God continues to act in our lives, even when we struggle. The talk emphasizes the importance of faith in our lives and our relationship with God.

The speaker discusses the four dimensions of faith. The first dimension is certainty or conviction in something, which leads to a direct relationship with God. The second dimension is faith as a gift of the Holy Spirit, which is activated in times of difficulty and moves through a person supernaturally. The third dimension is faithfulness or trustworthiness, which is influenced by faith in the Lord Jesus. The fourth dimension is the fruit of faith, which is demonstrated through a person's fidelity and trustworthiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding these dimensions of faith in order to strengthen one's relationship with God and others.

The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the four dimensions of faith and how it can help when questioning one's beliefs. He encourages having faith in God and trusting in him to achieve goals. The speaker ends with a prayer for strength and perseverance in the face of challenges.

How many of you have faith? Aha, there are some who did not listen to me, they were looking down. How many of you have that conviction, that certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen? How many of you have that in your lives? Amen.

We are all on the same flight. You remember that on Wednesday I began to speak to you, in the first presentation I began to speak to you about this topic of the four dimensions of faith or our faith.

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