God speaks today Saturday | October 12, 2024

My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? (Psalm 42:2)
And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: (Revelation 22:3)
Charles Spurgeon

There will be no more curse

In the land of glory, three blessings will be ours: serving Jesus perfectly without error, seeing His face, and having His name on our foreheads as a mark of our relationship with Him. These are the ultimate rewards for faithful service to the Lord. May we experience their beginnings here on earth and possess them fully in heaven. This is from a devotional by Charles Spurgeon. Read more...

Cross Reference

O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; (Psalm 63:1)
His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25:21)
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. (John 12:26)
And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. (Zechariah 14:11)


Eduardo Lucero : Thankful and blessed by your reflections, I pray that the Lord continues to use you greatly in the task of spreading His Word. Keep up the good work...you are a great spiritual support. God be with you.
What a beautiful comment, Eduardo Lucero! It is wonderful to see how Charles Spurgeon's reflections on the future blessings that await us in the presence of God can impact and bless our hearts. As Psalm 42:2 mentions, our soul longs to be in the presence of the living God. And in Revelation 22:3 we are promised that in the heavenly home there will be no more curse, and that we will serve God directly. How beautiful to think of the day when we will see the face of our Lord and His name will be engraved on our foreheads. May this hope inspire us to seek Him more and enjoy His presence every day. May God continue to bless you and use you for His glory, Eduardo!
MARIA VICTORIA FLOREZ: Thank you for your faithfulness in sending the message daily Thank you thank you 🙏🏻 Thank you Father for your 🙏🏻 kindness and mercy 🙏🏻 for your favor 🙏🏻 for your restoration for your GRACE 🙏🏻 that covers the universe thank you thank you 🙏🏻 Father 🙏🏻
What a beautiful message, MARIA VICTORIA FLOREZ! It is wonderful to see how faithfulness in sharing God's Word daily can impact lives and bring comfort and hope. Your gratitude and recognition to God for His goodness, mercy, favor, restoration, and grace are a powerful testimony of your faith and love for our Lord. Just as mentioned in Revelation 22:3, one day we will be in the presence of God, enjoying His blessings and serving Him directly. May this certainty fill us with gratitude and constant praise toward Him. May God continue to bless you and fill your life with His love and grace, MARIA VICTORIA FLOREZ!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you, my LORD, for these great promises that I will not find anywhere else. Receive my adoration, GOD.
What a beautiful expression of gratitude, Enrique Meneses Muñoz. It is true that the promises God makes to us in His Word are unique and wonderful. As mentioned in Revelation 22:3, in the presence of God there will be no more curse and we will serve our Lord directly. It is a privilege and a blessing to have the unmatched promises of God that sustain us and fill us with hope. May our response always be worship and total surrender to the One who is faithful and worthy of all praise. May God continue to reveal His love and faithfulness to you every day, Enrique Meneses Muñoz. Blessings!
Maria Celina : I think that in this TRANSITION of life; it is IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE WITHOUT THE LOVE OF GOD; but we also know that to reach that true LOVE; we must recognize our Lord JESUS as our SAVIOUR and live a life according to his WORD, that is why I LOVE the instruction manual that is the BIBLE and I PRAY so that ALL can be saved but without holiness NO ONE will be able to see GOD. THANK YOU for your teachings and prayers! GOD bless you and continue to accompany you for this GREAT MINISTRY which is to TEACH THE ABSOLUTE AND IRREFUTABLE TRUTH of the word of the HOLY GOD. Blessings
What a profound reflection, Maria Celina. You are absolutely right in highlighting the importance of God's love in our lives and the need to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior to fully experience that love. As you mention, living according to the Word of God is fundamental to demonstrate our love and gratitude toward Him. The Bible, as mentioned in Psalm 42:2, is our divine instruction manual that guides us and teaches us the path to salvation and holiness. It is wonderful to see your commitment to the absolute and irrefutable truth of God's Word and your desire to share it with others. May God continue to bless you and strengthen you in this ministry of teaching His truth. May His love and grace continue to guide your steps, Maria Celina! Blessings!
Patricia Campo : How beautiful it is to do the will of the Eternal Father, knowing that our reward in heaven is enormous.
It is true, Patricia Campo, doing the will of the heavenly Father is one of the greatest blessings we can experience in this life. As mentioned in Revelation 22:3, in the presence of God we will enjoy His reward and serve our Lord directly. It is comforting and motivating to know that our faithfulness and obedience in this life will be abundantly rewarded in eternity. May this hope inspire us to continue doing the will of our heavenly Father with joy and gratitude. May God continue to guide and strengthen you in your spiritual walk, Patricia Campo. Blessings!
Efigenia Vidal : The blessing that awaits each one of those who serve the Almighty God is of great dimensions, because God keeps his word, and knows our path well. I believe that no conduct of man takes him by surprise, because just as he predicted the end of times, he knows what is to come according to what he sees in each one of us. Therefore, transcending each day in communication with Him, the giver of life, is gratifying, although the tests that one has to go through must be of dimension, God is always waiting to support us and not leave us alone. May God continue to bless you in the task of making known his word of life.
What a profound reflection, Efigenia Vidal. It is comforting to remember that God keeps His promises and knows every detail of our lives. As you mention, our daily walk before His presence is key, knowing that He is always attentive to us and willing to sustain us in the midst of trials. It is inspiring to see your firmness in faith and your commitment to constant communication with the Giver of Life. As mentioned in Psalm 42:2, our soul yearns for the presence of the living God, and in Revelation 22:3 we are shown the magnitude of the blessing reserved for those who serve God. May this continued communion with the Lord continue to strengthen and guide you in your spiritual journey, Efigenia Vidal. May God continue to bless you and use your life to bring His Word to others. Blessings!
Anna Echevarria : Thank you for your faithful shepherding. 🤟🏼
What a beautiful message, Anna Echevarria! It is comforting to recognize the faithful shepherding and care that God provides us through His Word and His constant presence in our lives. As mentioned in Charles Spurgeon's devotional related to Revelation 22:3, the promise to serve God directly in His presence is a reminder of the love and faithfulness He has toward us. May this reminder of God's faithfulness fill you with gratitude and confidence in His perfect plan for your life, Anna Echevarria. May His love and guidance continue to be evident in your path. May the peace and love of the Lord be with you always! Blessings! 🙏🏼
Francisco Diaz S.: We must honor and give glory to the three divine persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. - To the Father for being the creator of the universe and of all that exists and will exist, to the Son Lamb of God who sacrificed himself for us for the forgiveness of our sins and to show us the path of salvation, to the Holy Spirit who comforts us and encourages us. - GLORY TO GOD IN HEAVEN AND PEACE ON EARTH TO MEN OF GOOD WILL
What a beautiful reminder, Francisco Díaz S. It is fundamental to our faith to recognize and honor the three persons of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each plays a unique role in our spiritual life and in God's redemptive work. As you mention, glorifying God in His trinity leads us to recognize His sovereignty, His redemptive sacrifice through Jesus Christ, and the consoling and guiding work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. May we each day give honor and praise to God in all His ways, just as we are encouraged to do in Luke 2:14. May His peace and grace continue to guide your steps, Francisco Díaz S. Blessings in abundance! 🙌🏼
Ruth Vives.: The Christian must understand that if we remain upright in faith and obedience, we will see His face, power and mercy. God bless you. Amen.
What a beautiful reflection, Ruth Vives. It is true that standing firm in faith and obedience brings us closer to experiencing the powerful and merciful presence of God in our lives. As mentioned in Charles Spurgeon's devotional related to Revelation 22:3, the promise of seeing the face of our Lord is a sign of the favor and closeness that He has for those who serve Him. May your firmness in faith and your commitment to obedience continue to open doors to the manifestation of God's power and mercy in your life, Ruth Vives. May His blessing and love continue to be evident in everything you do. May the peace and grace of the Lord always accompany you! Amen! 🙏🏼
Alba Fuentes : May the God of all glory and every perfect gift pour out abundant blessings upon the congregation of the Tribe of Judah 🤗❤️🙏 thank you for building my spiritual life and the knowledge of my God 🙏
What a beautiful prayer, Alba Fuentes. It is wonderful to recognize that our God, who is the owner of all glory and perfect gift, abundantly pours out His blessings on those who seek Him and serve Him faithfully. As you mention, the Tribe of Judah and each one of us as part of the congregation of believers, are recipients of His inexhaustible love and grace. May the glory of God continue to manifest itself in a palpable way in the life of the Tribe of Judah and in your life, Alba Fuentes. May each day be an opportunity to be built up in faith and to grow in the knowledge of our wonderful God. May His grace and favor always accompany you. May the peace and love of the Lord abound in your heart! 🙌🏼❤️🙏
What a beautiful expression of gratitude, Beatrice! Recognizing the goodness and power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is a sign of humility and love toward Him. As mentioned in Charles Spurgeon's devotional related to Revelation 22:3, the promise to serve Christ in His presence fills us with gratitude for His redemptive sacrifice on the cross. May your heart continue to overflow with gratitude toward our Lord and Savior, Beatrice. May His love and power continue to be evident in every area of your life. May the peace and grace of Christ be with you always. May your faith in Him be strengthened each day! Blessings in abundance! 🙏🏼✨
Ruth Vives.: It is important to understand and comprehend that we are subject to the power of God. That there is no other power or force that can dominate us and take us away. Or snatch us away from the protection, mercy and blessing of God. Before the power and blessing that He exercises in us, all evil matters are nullified.
What wise words, Ruth Vives. Recognizing that we are subject to the sovereign power of God fills us with confidence and security in His care and provision. As you mention, there is no force in this world that can match the divine power that guards, protects and blesses us. As expressed in Psalm 42:2, our soul yearns for the presence and power of the living God, who watches over us with unwavering love. May the certainty of God's power and protection continue to strengthen you in your walk, Ruth Vives. May every obstacle or evil influence be nullified by the grace and blessing of the Lord in your life. May His peace and love envelop you at all times. May you continue to experience His powerful support in everything you do! 🙏🏼✨