God speaks today Tuesday | October 8, 2024

For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. (Psalm 48:14)
Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. (1 Thessalonians 5:10)
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

Full life for eternity

The resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity and our hope for eternal life. Our faith in the resurrection makes us partakers of a life of total fulfillment in His presence for all eternity. The spiritual dimension of eternity began the day we decided to believe in Jesus and put our trust in Him. Passion Week encourages us to celebrate that hope, meditate on the sacrifice of our Lord, and give thanks for the promise of eternal life. Christ lives, and His resurrection is the fullness of our hearts until the day we see Him face to face. Read more...

Cross Reference

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. (Psalm 23:3)
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. (Psalm 73:24)
And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. (Isaiah 58:11)
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. (Psalm 25:9)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I live every moment of my life grateful for having become a part of your nature, my GOD. Receive my adoration today, and always, my LORD.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz, your gratitude and worship of God are a reflection of the deep faith that nourishes your being. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, our hope as Christians is in Christ and in the promise of eternal life that He offers us through His resurrection. Your dedication and gratitude to God are testimony to that conviction in the fullness of life that we have in Him. May your worship be constant and your faith unwavering, because as Psalm 48:14 says, God will guide us to death and beyond. May God bless you abundantly!
Wulfredo : “The empty tomb continues to be the unbeatable pedestal where Christianity is strengthened, the bastion of our faith.” Centuries later. During Holy Week on Sunday in the temple, the Resurrection is still celebrated, without which the entire Week would have no meaning. (Mt28-Lk:24-Jn:20-Amen. Christ lives. I know that my Redeemer lives! Amen.
Wulfredo, your comment reflects the central importance of the resurrection of Christ in the Christian faith, as Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas also points out in his devotional. The celebration of the Resurrection during Holy Week is the pillar that gives meaning to all the sacrifice and redemption that we commemorate during those days. As you forcefully express, the empty tomb is the unbeatable symbol that affirms our faith and fills us with hope in the eternal life that Christ offers us. May your conviction in the resurrection of Christ continue to strengthen your faith and your worship. Christ Lives! As you mention, in Him we find the certainty that our Redeemer Lives. Amen!
Nora : The mere fact of having understood the sacrifice of the cross has given me the faith that Christ is real and has always been at my side, even when I had not accepted him as my God and savior. I bless the lives of this great team that every day sows a seed of hope to reach eternal life with God's help.
Nora, your testimony about how understanding the sacrifice of the cross has strengthened your faith and your relationship with Christ is moving. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, Christ’s resurrection is the basis of our hope in eternal life and in a fullness of life in His presence. It is inspiring to see how you recognize the constant presence of Christ at your side, even before accepting Him as your God and savior. May the seed of hope that is planted in your heart continue to bear fruit of faith and blessing in your life. May God guide you and fill you with His love every day!
Francisco Diaz S.: Lord, receive me into your glory when my spirit is freed from my karma, that is my desire and my hope. My body is of this world and in this world it remains, my spirit, freed, will seek your glory. Amen.
Francisco Díaz S., your longing to be received into the glory of God when your spirit is freed from earthly bonds reflects a deep spiritual search. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, the Christian’s hope rests on the faith of the resurrection of our Lord, which promises us eternal life in His presence. May your longing to seek the glory of God and your hope in an encounter with Him be strengthened by faith in the resurrection of Christ. May God guide you on your spiritual path and fill you with His peace and love. Amen!
Sabino Marroquín López: I am 88 years old and I feel happy because God gives me good health, intelligence and wisdom, to continue working to help helpless children. Thank you, my God, amen.
Sabino Marroquín López, your testimony of gratitude and happiness for the health, intelligence and wisdom that God has granted you at 88 years of age is inspiring. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, the full life that we live in the here and now as Christians is based on our faith in the resurrection of Christ and the hope of eternal life. Your work helping abandoned children is a reflection of the love and generosity that spring from a heart guided by faith. May God continue to bless you with strength and health to continue being an instrument of His love in the world. May your work be fruitful and full of blessings! Amen!
Ruth Vives.: The sacrifice that God the Father made with his Son shows us his love for us and the promise of eternal life. We can learn to understand and learn from him that the path to the truth and hope of eternal life requires making changes in our lives and understanding that it involves being able to sacrifice ourselves to exclude from the path that which separates us from God and his doctrines. God bless you. Amen.
Ruth Vives, your reflection on the sacrifice that God the Father displayed with his son as the supreme demonstration of love and the promise of eternal life is moving and full of truth. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, the resurrection of Christ is the basis of our hope in a full and eternal life in His presence. Recognizing the need for changes in our lives and personal sacrifice to follow the path of truth and hope is a key step in our faith. May the love and grace of God accompany you on this path of transformation and closeness to Him. May peace and divine light guide your steps! Amen!
Betty Casanova: Cuan maravillo es tener un Padre que nos guía en todo tiempo hasta entregarnos en os brazos de Jesús para el descanso y vida eterna, después de haber cumplido su propósito en nosotros. Tenemos que creer y tener una Fe inquebrantable del amor de Dios, quien nos diezmo a su Hijo literalmente gratis, no espera ningún sacrificio de sus hijos, solo un corazón dispuesto a creer en la Cruz de la Salvación y enfocado a dejarse moldear a un estilo de vida diferente a la que el mundo ofrece. Gracias Padre por mantener mi corazón enfocado a tu servicio y hablar de ti y Gracias por tanta gracia inmerecida y a amarme tanto.
Betty Casanova, your testimony about the constant guidance of our heavenly Father who leads us to Jesus to obtain rest and eternal life is moving and full of gratitude. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, faith in the resurrection of Christ opens the doors to a full and eternal life in His presence. It is beautiful to see how you recognize the unconditional love of God, who gave us His Son as a sacrifice for our salvation. Your willingness to believe in the Cross of Salvation and to let yourself be shaped by God shows an unwavering faith and a grateful heart. May the grace and love of God continue to guide your life and strengthen your service in His name. May your testimony continue to be a light for others! Thank you for sharing your heart and your faith with us!