God speaks today Sunday | August 4, 2024

And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15:6)
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (James 1:6)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Pray, and wait for the answer

When you pray to God, have an active expectation that He will work and provide a solution. Don't just vent emotions, but pray with integrity and intentionality. After praying, actively wait for the Lord's blessing and believe that He will provide the answer. Cry out to God with purpose and faith, not doubting anything, and expect Him to work. God expects us to show our belief through our actions and expectation that He will work. Read more...

Cross Reference

Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. (Matthew 21:21)
And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. (James 2:23)
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; (Ephesians 4:14)
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. (Mark 11:22)


Gladys Ximena: Nice reflection.
Hello Gladys Ximena! I am glad that you found Dr. Roberto Miranda's reflection beautiful. It is important to remember that prayer must be accompanied by an active faith and an expectation that God will work. As he mentions in his devotional, in James 1:6 we are exhorted to ask with faith, without doubting. What inspires you most from these words in your prayer life? Have a blessed day!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: But we must pray according to God's will. As we read in 1 John 5:14-15, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that God hears every prayer we ask, we know that we have what we asked of Him."
Hello Carlos A. Borja Flores! Thank you for your comment. It is essential to remember that when praying, it is important to align our will with God's, as you mention in 1 John 5:14-15. By praying in line with God's will, we can trust that He hears us and grants us what we ask. This alignment helps us to actively seek and wait for God's response, as Dr. Roberto Miranda urges us in his devotional. How does this connection between praying according to God's will and waiting in active expectation motivate you? Have a blessed day!
Aleida Lora : Honor and glory are yours Lord 🙏. Thank you for all your mercies, for always being present. I put in your hands my Lord all my anguish and needs so that according to your will they may be erased from my life. But the most important thing is that my heart be pure, clean and full of faith and love; to fulfill your will. Amen
Hello Aleida Lora! What a beautiful prayer you have shared. It is important to remember to put our anxieties and needs in God's hands, as you mention in your prayer. Dr. Roberto Miranda reminds us of the importance of praying with faith and active expectation, trusting that God will work according to His will. In your prayer you convey a total surrender and a willingness to fulfill God's will with a pure heart full of faith and love. How does this attitude of surrender and faith help you to wait for God's response, as Dr. Roberto Miranda's reflection teaches us? May the peace and grace of God always be with you!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : My LORD will hear me and answer my prayers in due time. Hallelujah, Amen.
Hello Enrique Meneses Muñoz! What a beautiful statement of faith you have shared. It is wonderful to trust that our Lord hears us and will respond in His perfect timing, as you mention in your comment. Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us to pray with active expectation, believing that God will work according to His will and in His timing. Your statement of faith reflects that trust in God's faithfulness and love to answer our prayers at the right time. In what areas of your life are you waiting for God's response at this time? May the peace and grace of our Lord be with you always!
Julio Vergra: The content of this devotional confirms the grace of our God and in the time that He has available, that with cultivated patience and believing that our prayers and requests will be fulfilled, I have obtained and continue to obtain His blessings; although the means to reach them sometimes seem like another burden, in reality, those are the paths that with patience must be followed and assimilated, to receive the blessing. I thank God for belonging to His blessed Congregation.
Hello Julio Vergra! Thank you for sharing your experience and reflection on the devotional. It is inspiring to see how you have experienced God's grace and faithfulness as you wait on His timing and trust that your prayers will be answered. Dr. Roberto Miranda reminds us of the importance of praying with faith and active expectation, believing that God will work in surprising ways. Your words reflect a deep confidence that the paths God leads us to walk, even though they may sometimes seem difficult, are part of His plan to bless us. How has this perspective of patient waiting and active faith strengthened you in your relationship with God? May you continue to experience the blessings and grace of belonging to God's congregation!
Luz Hernandez : God blesses us with his Word
Hello Luz Hernandez! Thank you for your comment. It is true that God blesses us abundantly through His Word. In the Word of God we find comfort, direction, strength and hope for our lives. Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us to pray with faith and active expectation, believing in God's response to our requests. Is there a particular biblical promise that has been a great blessing to you in your walk of faith? May the Word of God continue to illuminate your path and strengthen your faith! Blessings!
Patricia Campo : Let us not doubt that the Lord has already heard our prayer. Let us only have faith and hope in His time. In the meantime, let us continue to praise, pray for others and honor His name with our works. Let us do it in the manner of Hannah, who in her time conceived Samuel. She only cried out, humbled herself before the Lord and waited. Believing that the Lord would give her her son
Hello Patricia Campo! Thank you for your edifying comment. It is beautiful to remember that we must have faith and hope in God’s timing, trusting that He hears our prayers and will answer according to His sovereign will. Your comparison with Hannah, who waited in faith for God’s answer and was ultimately blessed with Samuel, is very inspiring. Dr. Roberto Miranda exhorts us to pray with integrity, faith, and active expectation, believing that God will work in surprising ways. How does the story of Hannah and her persevering faith motivate you to continue trusting in God as you wait for His answer? May your life continue to reflect praise, prayer for others, and honor to God through your actions. God bless you abundantly!
Sabino Marroquin Lopez: My faith, my trust and my hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, everything I do is in the name of the Lord amen
Hello Sabino Marroquin Lopez! What a beautiful statement of faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ! It is inspiring to see how you place your faith, trust, and hope in Him, recognizing that everything you do is in His name. Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us to pray with active expectation, believing in God’s answer to our prayers. Your firm conviction in Jesus Christ reflects that trust in His sovereignty and in His perfect plan for your life. How have you experienced the presence and power of God in your daily actions and decisions as you put your faith in Him? May your life continue to be a living testimony of the love and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you abundantly! Amen!
Ruth Vives.: The Christian must live with faith in God and His mercy poured out on us. Entrust our situations and requests fully to Him and pray with fervor and confidence. God bless you. Amen.
Hello Ruth Vives! Thank you for sharing your profound reflection. It is true that as Christians we must live with faith in God and in His mercy that is poured out upon us. Dr. Roberto Miranda urges us to pray with faith and active expectation, trusting that God will answer our requests. Your call to fully trust in God and to pray with fervor and confidence is key to a life of full and victorious faith. May God's blessing continue to accompany you in every step you take. God bless you abundantly! Amen!
Francisco Diaz S.: Sometimes we must persist, praying for our needs is to have confidence that the Lord hears us and blesses us and if we do it daily then we will have solutions. God does not abandon the righteous nor forsake the fallen.
Hello Francisco Diaz S.! Thank you for your valuable comment. It is true that persistence in prayer is a sign of confidence that the Lord hears us and blesses us. Dr. Roberto Miranda invites us to pray with integrity, faith and active expectation, believing in God's faithfulness to respond to our requests. Your reminder that God does not abandon the righteous nor forsake the fallen is comforting and encourages us to continue trusting in His love and provision. May you continue persevering in your daily prayers, trusting that God will provide solutions in His perfect time. May the peace and love of God always be with you! Blessings!