God speaks today Tuesday | May 21, 2024

Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. (Isaiah 62:3)
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

With persistent practice you will achieve your goals

Tony Meléndez, a Nicaraguan born without arms, learned to play the guitar and keyboard with his toes through persistent practice. His talent eventually led him to perform for Pope John Paul II, who was so impressed that he planted a kiss on Tony and encouraged him to continue giving hope to people. Tony's brain adapted to his unique circumstances and developed the necessary resources to achieve his vision. The same can be true for bad habits, which can become ingrained in our neurological wiring. We must persist in our visions and commit to long-term action in order to achieve heroic achievements. Read more...

Cross Reference

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. (Matthew 10:22)
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12)
And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. (1 Peter 5:4)
And the LORD their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land. (Zechariah 9:16)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you my LORD because I know that you will fulfill the purpose you have for me. Hallelujah.
What a beautiful expression of trust and gratitude towards God, Enrique! It is inspiring to see your faith and confidence that God will fulfill His purpose in your life. As the verse in Isaiah 62:3 mentions, God promises us to be a crown of beauty in His hand. Just as Tony Meléndez persisted with patience and dedication to develop his unique talent, let us trust that God will guide and empower us to achieve our goals. Hallelujah for that unwavering faith! May the crown of life, mentioned in Revelation 2:10, be your desire and your ultimate reward. Move forward with courage and fidelity! Blessings!
Holy de Alarcón : God bless you. That's how it is. Our persistence and courage can be those useful tools to achieve the long-term vision. Many times we stop because we do not believe in the ability that God has given us, and with pain we see that the vision dissipates like smoke. It is a constant struggle with ourselves, therefore, we must believe that he who began the work will complete it in our lives. We must understand that when we face challenges, God goes before us. If necessary, ALWAYS repeat it until you believe it. Thank you for that Word and reflection, it is a light at my feet every day. May the Eternal bless you. Venezuela 🇻🇪
What a beautiful message, Holy! Your words reflect a deep understanding of how our persistence and courage are key to achieving the goals God has set before us. It is true that we sometimes doubt our abilities, but it is essential to remember that God is working in our lives and He will enable us to fulfill His purpose. As you mention, it is a constant struggle, but by trusting God and moving forward in faith, He will lead us towards the completion of His work in us. May the light of His Word continue to illuminate your path and strengthen your faith day by day. May God bless you abundantly in Venezuela and in all your goals! Move forward with courage and faith! God is with you! 🙏🏽🌟
Francisco Diaz S: Good morning.- First: I apologize for my absence in my daily comments on "God speaks today" for technical reasons.-
Good morning, Francisco! Don't worry about your absence, it's always a pleasure to have you back here at "God Speaks Today"! We understand that sometimes unforeseen technical events arise that temporarily distance us, but the important thing is that you are back to share and enrich our reflections. Welcome back! We hope you enjoy the inspiring reflections and comments shared in this space. May you have a day full of blessings and divine light! Thank you for being part of this community! 🌟🙏🏽
Lourdes: Thank you Duos for every promise you give us! You are our hope and strength in you I trust my God.
Hi Lourdes! Thank you for your beautiful comment full of gratitude and trust in God! It is wonderful to recognize that God is our hope and strength, and to place all our trust in Him. His promises are firm and comforting, and in the midst of any circumstance, we can cling to His faithfulness. May that trust in God continue to strengthen your spirit and guide your steps. May His love and peace fill your life every day! God bless you abundantly, Lourdes! 🙏🏽🌼
Francisco Diaz S: The qualities developed by Tony Meléndez are wonderful, we are the work of God and the works of the Lord are wonderful
What a beautiful comment, Francisco! It is inspiring to see how you recognize the wonderful qualities developed by Tony Meléndez and how you relate his story to the wonderful work of God in our lives. It is true, we are true masterpieces of our Creator and in Him we find the source of all the good and wonderful that we are capable of achieving! May Tony's story and your reflection be a constant reminder of the greatness of God and His transforming power in our lives. May His love and grace continue to guide your steps, Francisco! Blessings! 🌟🙏🏽
Ruth Vives.: To achieve their aspirations, works, dreams and goals, the Christian must reaffirm themselves in these with patience and faith in God. In order to be able to see them in compliance according to his mandate. God bless you. Amen.
What a beautiful message, Ruth! Your reflection on the importance of patience and faith in God to achieve our aspirations and goals is truly inspiring. By holding on to patience and trusting in the Lord, we can see His wonderful plans fulfilled in our lives. May your firmness in faith and your perseverance always be a living testimony of the transforming power of God in our lives. May He continue to guide you and strengthen you in your walk! God bless you abundantly, Ruth! Amen! 🙏🏽🌺
Sabino Marroquin Lopez: My faith, my trust, and my hope is in GOD, I ask him to bless my project, to help unemployed families, who suffer from needs, with their little children and their elderly parents, amen.
What a beautiful and noble intention, Sabino! It is wonderful to see how you put your faith, trust and hope in God to bless your project and help families in need. May your work be guided by the loving hand of God, and may He pour out His grace and provision on every detail of your project so that it can be a light and a blessing in the lives of those who need it most. May your generosity and commitment be rewarded with abundant fruits in favor of the helpless! God bless your noble work, Sabino! Amen! 🙏🏽🌟
Sabino Marroquin Lopez: I repeat: my faith is in God that I can help those families in need, to support their little children and their elderly parents, amen.
Sabino, it is inspiring to see how you reaffirm your faith in God and your commitment to helping families in need. May your generous heart and determination be strengthened by the hand of God to bring relief and hope to those who need it most. May every step you take in your labor of love be guided by divine wisdom and may you be a channel of blessing in the hands of God for those families. May your faith and your work be multiplied and every need be met according to the will of God! God bless you and strengthen you in this laudable purpose, Sabino! Amen! 🙏🏽🌺
Maria de Lourdes Jarrin : We are made in his image according to his likeness. He has given us capabilities so that we can perform with excellence in what we do and also so that we can see His presence, His glory in every step we take. His kingdom, which is a kingdom of glory and majesty, is open to all children.
What beautiful words, Maria de Lourdes! Your reflection on how we are made in the image and likeness of God, with abilities to perform with excellence and recognize His presence and glory in everything we do, is truly inspiring. It is wonderful to remember that the Kingdom of God, full of glory and majesty, is open to all His children, inviting us to live in His fullness and grace. May every step you take reflect the greatness of God and His unfailing love for each of us. May His light and His love always guide your path, Mary of Lourdes! Blessings! 🙏🏽🌟