God speaks today Monday | February 26, 2024

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, (Ephesians 1:18)
Ernst Diehl

Beacon of Hope: Sailing with Faith and Divine Power

In life, our journey is like a ship on the sea, with divine promise as a guiding light. Through spiritual awakening, we can see beyond challenges and find hope and strength. This light not only guides us but also enables us to be lights for others. With faith and courage, we sail towards a future full of possibilities, knowing we are never alone. Read more...

Cross Reference

To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Acts 26:18)
For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. (Zechariah 4:10)
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)
For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes. (Jeremiah 16:17)


Wulfredo : This lighthouse, which is none other than the omnipresent gaze of the Creator. And Sail with Christ as a captain illuminated with the gaze of the one who made the sea. Even if storms and hurricane winds arise, I will be sure that I will not die without seeing the wonders of the captain who is Jesus, amen
What a beautiful reflection, Wulfredo. Your comparison of sailing with Christ as captain illuminated by the gaze of the Creator reminds us of the importance of keeping our faith firm even in the midst of life's storms. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional Beacon of Hope, the divine promise acts as a beacon of hope that guides us to a safe harbor, strengthening us in our journey. Your declaration of confidence that you will not die without seeing the wonders of Jesus is a powerful reminder of the hope and unmatched power we have at our disposal. May that faith continue to guide you on your journey, illuminating your heart and allowing you to be a light for others in the midst of darkness. May the peace of Christ be with you always!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for guiding me with your divine light my LORD
Enrique, what a beautiful expression of gratitude to our Lord! Recognizing and thanking for being guided by divine light is an act of humility and faith that brings us closer to the presence of God. As the verse in 2 Chronicles 16:9 mentions, the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are completely His. As we open our hearts to the Lord's guidance and strength, we allow His light to illuminate our path and sustain us every step we take. May that connection with the divine light of God continue to strengthen and guide you in your daily walk. May the peace and love of God always fill you!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: When we responded to Christ's call, He became "a beacon whose light guides us toward destinations full of purpose and meaning," so that "this beacon of hope not only illuminates our path, but invites us to be lights for others, extending the vision of a love and strength that transcends understanding."Praise the Lord for this devotional
What a beautiful reflection, Carlos. As we respond to Christ's call, we truly experience His guidance as a beacon directing us toward destinations filled with purpose and meaning. As you mention, this beacon of hope invites us to be lights for others, sharing the love and strength we have received. It is a beautiful reminder of the importance of being bearers of the light of Christ in a world that often seems dark. Praise the Lord for inspiring us to be lights that illuminate the path of others. May that divine light continue to shine in your life and in the lives of those you reach with your testimony. May the peace and grace of the Lord always be with you!
Ruth Amalia pulgarin : What a refreshment to remember, that the personalized lighthouse in my Lord Jesus Christ is the one who illuminates and guides my life, and that even if the adversities of day to day arise, he is with Me. 🙏❣️... thank you for this wonderful word, God continue to bless their lives🫂🤗
What beautiful words, Ruth Amalia. It is comforting to remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is our personalized lighthouse, the one who illuminates and guides our lives at all times. As you mention, even in the midst of daily adversity, we can be certain that He is with us, strengthening and sustaining us. Your gratitude for this wonderful word is a testimony of your faith and trust in divine guidance. May the constant presence of Christ as your lighthouse continue to fill you with light and hope in every step you take. May God continue to bless you abundantly and guide your steps along paths of peace and love. May His grace and love be with you always! 🙏🕊️
Nancy: Beautiful word of hope, amen
What a beautiful comment, Nancy! The hope we find in God's Word is truly beautiful and comforting. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional Beacon of Hope, divine promise acts as a lighthouse that guides our hearts to a safe harbor, filling us with hope and strength. May that word of hope continue to illuminate your life and fill you with faith in every step you take. May the amen you share be an affirmation of trust that God is with you, guiding you and sustaining you in His unconditional love. May the peace and hope of God be with you always! 🌟🙏
Carlos Diaz: In a world full of darkness and chaos, only the light of the lighthouse that Jesus shows us is the guide to continue living with the hope that soon we will reach a safe haven and that we will be light to those who are lost!!
What a powerful reflection, Carlos. In the midst of the darkness and chaos that often surrounds us in this world, the light of Jesus is truly our beacon, our sure guide to the hope and peace we long for. As you mention, by following the light of Jesus, we not only find our way to safe harbor, but we also become lights to those who are lost, bringing hope and love into their lives. May that conviction in following the light of Jesus inspire you to be a bearer of hope and love in a world that needs it so much. May the divine light of Jesus continue to illuminate your path and that of those you reach with your light! 🌟🙌
Sandra: I love devotionals God bless you
So glad to hear that you enjoy the devotions, Sandra! It is wonderful to find inspiration and strength in the words of reflection and hope they give us. May God's blessing continue to accompany you and guide you every step of your path. May His love and peace fill your heart through each devotional that brings you closer to His presence. May the divine light of Jesus continue to illuminate your life and fill you with His inexhaustible love! 🙏💫
Francisco Diaz S. : Blessings Pastor E. Diehl.- His message reminds us that navigating through life, to reach a good destination, we must be guided by the light of the gospel so that we reach the divine port; the glory of God.- He who turns off that light is lost.
What a beautiful reflection, Francisco. Your comment highlights the importance of guiding ourselves by the light of the Gospel in our journey through life, to reach the divine port, the glory of God. Ernst Diehl, in his devotional Beacon of Hope, reminds us that this divine light guides and strengthens us in the midst of the adversities and challenges we face. As you mention, those who decide to turn off that light are lost in the darkness and confusion of the world. May God's blessings continue to illuminate your path and may you continue to be a reflection of His light in a world that so needs hope and love. May the guidance of the Gospel always lead you to the safe harbor of the divine presence! 🙏🌟
Maribel Osorio Melo: Dear God, may the light of your beacon never stop shining in the hearts of our children, so that it will always be the guide that illuminates their walk.
What a beautiful prayer, Maribel. Your request that the light of the divine beacon never cease to shine in the hearts of our children is a testimony of your desire that they always be guided and protected by the light and love of God. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional Beacon of Hope, that divine light guides and strengthens us every step of our path, leading us to destinations full of purpose and meaning. May that light continue to illuminate the path of your loved ones, filling them with hope and strength in the midst of life's uncertainties. May your words be a seed of faith and love that grows in their hearts, always reminding them that in God they find the guidance and comfort they need. May God's light continue to shine in their lives and yours too! 🌟🙏
Ruth Vives : God knows the truly sincere Christian and showers mercy on him and gives him grace. For your faith and obedience to him. God bless. Amen.
What a beautiful reflection, Ruth. Your comment about how God knows the truly sincere Christian, showers mercy, and extends grace to those who are faithful to Him through their faith and obedience reflects the special relationship we have with our Creator. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional Beacon of Hope, faithfulness and hope are anchors in times of storm, and divine light guides and strengthens us every step of our path. May the grace and mercy of God continue to accompany you on your walk, strengthening you in your faith and reminding you that His love is inexhaustible. May that faithfulness and hope in God be your constant guide in life! 🙏💫
Sabino Marroquín López.: The Divine Light illuminates my mind to develop the project, to use rainwater, to not die of thirst if GOD allows it, amen.
Sabino, your comment reflects a beautiful connection between divine inspiration and action in our daily lives. By mentioning how the Divine Light illuminates your mind to develop a project that seeks to use rainwater, you show a willingness to be a good steward of the resources that God has given us. As Ernst Diehl shares in his Beacon of Hope devotional, the illumination of our hearts equips us to navigate with confidence, knowing that divine power sustains us at all times. May God's wisdom and guidance accompany every step of your project, and may you be an instrument to bless others through your work. May the Divine Light continue to guide your steps and may your project be a testimony of God's love and care for His creation! 🙏🌟
Sabino Marroquín López.: The Divine Light illuminates my being to develop the project, to use rainwater, to not die of thirst, if God allows it, amen.
Sabino, your commitment to using resources responsibly and your recognition of the importance of Divine Light in every step of your project are inspiring. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional Beacon of Hope, divine light guides and strengthens us in our daily walk, allowing us to see beyond the storms and trust in the power that sustains us. May divine wisdom and inspiration continue to illuminate your mind and spirit as you work on this significant project. May God's provision accompany you at every stage and may you be a channel of blessing for others through your efforts. May the Divine Light continue to guide your steps and may you see the fruits of your labor in honor of His name! 🌟🙏