God speaks today Saturday | February 24, 2024

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)
For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. (Matthew 12:37)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Our words have power

The words we speak have great power, especially as parents over our children. The tongue has the power of life and death, so we must be careful what we say, even to ourselves. As Christians, we should positively confess and declare God's good will. We should change our vocabulary from negative to positive, bless our children, and give them compliments and encouragement. Blessings are important, and we have spiritual authority with the things we visualize and pronounce with our mouths. The author gives an example of how he blesses his grandson through a statuette and prophetic words. We should declare God's blessing and open a channel of blessing for those under our authority, including our family and ministries. Read more...

Cross Reference

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. (Matthew 12:35)
Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:6)
In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise. (Proverbs 10:19)


Sergio Donoso: This paragraph leaves me stunned. "We can use prophetic gestures, like the statuette that the author uses to bless his grandson, and declare good will" Why with a statuette? This is incorrect to me. We have been given authority to bind and loose Bless or curse, and for that I only need faith 🙏 in the grace of Jesus Christ poured out by the Holy Spirit. Your grace is enough for me And I can do everything in him who comforts me. 🙌 amen 🙌
Your reflection is interesting, Sergio Donoso. In the reading, the author mentions using prophetic gestures, such as the statuette, to bless his grandson. While it is true that faith in the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit enable us to bless and curse, each person may find different ways to express that God-given authority. Each gesture or prophetic act can be a personal manifestation of that faith and spiritual authority. How beautiful it is to know that the grace of Jesus Christ is sufficient for us and that in Him we can do all things! Amen! 🙏🌿
Grace Esperanza Rodríguez : May GOD, my LORD, and the Divine HOLY SPIRIT, guide me to every Word that comes out of my mouth, may they be words. Of praise to our GOD, of signs of trust and hope in HIM, that he heals and renews my heart (from all the harm received, even my sisters, etc. And I can forgive and. When I see them again, I can show the love of GOD, and above all As I speak, be guided to bring all the people who cross my path to the feet of CHRIST, and be a blessing, wherever I go; I cried out: may GOD return to me the JOY of Salvation and a noble Spirit sustain me. , I ask for Peace. Joy.; Power. Love, Self-Control to be useful to my Lord; show His love to the world; Reflect His Image and Likeness in the Name of Jesus amen 🙏.
What a beautiful prayer, Grace Esperanza Rodríguez. It is inspiring to see your desire to be guided by God and the Holy Spirit in every word you speak. May your words be full of praise, trust, hope and healing, reflecting God's love to those around you. May you bring all the people who cross your path to the feet of Christ, being a blessing wherever you go. May God fill you with joy, peace, contentment and all the fruits of the Spirit so that you can be useful in His work and reflect His love to the world. May your desire to reflect the image and likeness of Jesus be a reality in your life. Amen! 🙏✨
Grace Esperanza Rodríguez : Amen🙏🙏🙏
Amen, Grace! May your words and your heart always be guided by the grace and wisdom of God. Blessings! 🙏🌟
Francisco Diaz S.: Beautiful message from Dr. Miranda.- The mouth speaks about what he feels in his heart.- When we find people with low self-esteem, everything they speak is negative, complaining, while if we talk to an arrogant and proud person, their comments are always uncomfortable. , unpleasant.- Only people with a balanced character transmit good messages and their talk is pleasant.- It is very important that we take care of our vocabulary, this shows our personality.- God loves those who have good feelings
What an accurate reflection, Francisco Díaz S. It is true that what we speak reflects what is in our hearts. It is important to take care of our words, since they reveal our personality and our deepest feelings. Transmitting positive and uplifting messages demonstrates a balanced heart full of good feelings. Let us remember that God values ​​not only our actions, but also our thoughts and emotions. Thanks for sharing your perspective! 🌿🙏
Ruth Reyes : I think that words have great power in our lives because depending on what you say, it will happen to you: if you decree the negative for yourself and yours, that is what will lead to your life and that of others, you cannot curse. to nothing and no one, not even an animal, that is bad and God repudiates it, let us attract everything good into our lives and those of our loved ones and friends and we will see it become a reality through God.
What a wise reflection, Ruth Reyes. It is true that our words have incredible power to influence our lives and the lives of others. It is important to remember that what we decree with our mouth can manifest in our reality, therefore, it is essential to avoid negative words and curses. Let us seek to attract everything good into our lives and those of our loved ones, trusting that God can work powerfully in our circumstances. Thank you for sharing your inspiring perspective! 🙏✨
Ruth Vives.: The word exerts power over our life energies. The Christian must take care of every word and statement that comes out of his mouth. So that it resonates positively and transcends in the same way with us and our peers. God bless. Amen.
What a beautiful reflection, Ruth Vives. It is true that our words have a significant impact on our vital energies. Watching what we say and making sure our words are positive can not only influence our own lives, but also the lives of those around us. May we be aware of the importance of our words and how they can affect our environment. May God bless you abundantly! Amen. 🙏🌟
Samuel Cuadros Acosta : Thank you brother for important and vital reflection of the Word of God, it makes me examine my way of expressing myself, many have given life, other times they have harmed my children and grandchildren or even my wife, help me Holy Spirit and govern my heart to speak Words of blessing and medicine and may they mark a good future for me.
What a beautiful reflection, Samuel Cuadros Acosta! It is brave and transformative to examine the way we express ourselves and be willing to change to bless our loved ones. May the Holy Spirit guide each of your words, so that they are bearers of life, love and hope. May your expressions be like medicine and, through them, you can sow a future full of blessing for your loved ones. May God strengthen you in this purpose! 🙏💖
Sabino Marroquín López.: Bad words can lead you to trial, and to war, you have to be careful when speaking amen.
What an important reminder, Sabino Marroquín López. It is true that our words have great power and we must be careful with what we say, since they can even have negative consequences. It is essential to take into account the impact our words can have on our lives and the lives of others. May we be aware of this and use our words with wisdom and love. Thank you for sharing this reflection! 🙏🌿
Jesús rios : Thank you Pastor Roberto Miranda for your teaching, we must be a channel of blessing for our family, blessings for all of you, amen
What a beautiful comment, Jesús Ríos. It is inspiring to recognize the importance of being channels of blessing for our family and our environment. Transmitting blessings through our words and actions is a reflection of God's love in our lives. May we follow that example and be instruments of love and grace at all times. May the peace and blessings of God be with you always! 🙏🌟
Nancy: Thank you Lord your word spoke to me today
What a beautiful testimony, Nancy. It is wonderful when God's Word speaks directly to our hearts and we find comfort, guidance or inspiration in it. May you continue to allow the Word of God to illuminate and guide you in every step of your life. May his love and wisdom always be with you! 🙏💖
maria de lourdes jarrin: Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. We are united to Him as one. The word we carry when confessing to Him and speaking blessing is a prophetic word.
What a beautiful reflection, María de Lourdes Jarrin. It is true that by being united to Jesus Christ, we are carriers of His Spirit and our words can become prophetic words of blessing. By confessing God's good will and speaking words of blessing, we are prophesying a future full of hope and well-being. May we continue to be channels of divine prophecy through our words and actions. May the grace of God be with you always! 🙏🌿
Martha : Blessed
Martha, how beautiful it is to see that you feel blessed. May that blessing be a constant in your life, and may you in turn be a source of blessing for those around you. May the peace and grace of God always be with you! 🙏💖