God speaks today Tuesday | February 20, 2024

And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin. (Genesis 35:18)
Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him. (Acts 13:9)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

There is power in a name - Part 1

Jabez is a fascinating character in Scripture who teaches us about the power of prayer, positive confession, and visualization of possibilities in God. He was born with a negative destiny due to his mother's naming him after the pain she experienced during his birth. However, Jabez's prayer transformed his destiny, and God granted him what he asked for. This shows us the power of prayer to transform our emotions, attitudes, and circumstances. Names are also important in Scripture, as they can indicate a change in identity or destiny. We must be careful with the names we give our children and the prophecies we speak over their lives. Read more...

Cross Reference

Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, (Acts 4:8)
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. (Acts 7:59)
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:4)
But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? (Luke 12:20)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for hearing my prayers LORD.
Hello, Enrique! How beautiful it is to see how prayer can transform lives, as we see in the story of Jabez that Dr. Roberto Miranda shares with us. Your comment reflects that trust and gratitude in God for hearing our prayers. Let us remember the power that is in the name of God and how He can change our destiny when we cry out to Him in faith. May the Lord continue to bless you in your prayer life! Thank you for sharing your heart! God bless you!
Samuel Cuadros Acosta : Dear brothers, thank you for the biblical reflection that encourages me and inspires faith in me to not stop CRYING out to God with faith at all times, because he is the only one who works wonders in my life, family, church, help me Holy Spirit not to faint in my prayer life with faith
Hi samuel! How beautiful it is to see how biblical reflection and the story of Jabez encourage us to persevere in prayer and to cry out to God with faith at all times. Your comment reflects that determination and dependence on the Holy Spirit not to faint in your prayer life. May the story of Jabez and the example of your faith inspire us to trust that God works wonders in our lives, families, and churches when we cry out to Him in faith. May the Holy Spirit strengthen you and guide you in your prayer life! Thank you for sharing your heart and may God continue to bless you abundantly! God bless you!
Francisco Diaz S.: God changes the adverse circumstances of those who believe in him and seek him. Let us offer our lives in dedication to God and we will be blessed. Let us offer God the fruit of love (our children) and they will be protected throughout their lives.
Hello Francisco! Your words reflect a profound truth: God has the power to change our adverse circumstances when we trust and seek Him. Offering our lives in dedication to God, as well as the fruit of love that are our children, is a beautiful way to trust in His protection and blessing. The story of Jabez shows us how prayer and faith can transform destinies. May we continue to trust that God can work miracles in our lives and those of our loved ones. May God continue to bless you and guide you on His path! Thank you for sharing such a powerful reflection! God bless you greatly!
Bernice : Pray that God will increase our faith more and not faint while praying. God's faithfulness is great.
Hello Bernice! Your words are a powerful reminder of the importance of persevering in prayer, increasing our faith, and trusting in God's faithfulness. The story of Jabez teaches us how faith and persistence in prayer can change our destiny. May we continue to cry out to God with confidence, knowing that His faithfulness is great and that He is always willing to listen to our requests. May your faith continue to grow and may you never faint in your prayer life. May God bless you richly and continue to strengthen your faith! Thank you for sharing your heart! May God's faithfulness always be with you!
Sabino Marroquín López: Thank you my GOD who gives me intelligence and wisdom amen.
Hello Sabino! How beautiful it is to recognize and thank God for the intelligence and wisdom he grants us. As we see in the story of Jabez, prayer and faith open the doors for us to receive blessings and favor from God in different areas of our lives, including wisdom. May your gratitude and humility before God continue to be a source of blessing in your life. May the wisdom that comes from God guide and strengthen you at all times! God bless you abundantly! Thank you for sharing your gratitude and love for the Lord! May you continue to grow in intelligence and wisdom through His grace! Amen!
Ruth Vives : The power of God through prayer is infinite but he showers mercy
Hello Ruth! What a beautiful reflection on the infinite power of God through prayer and His inexhaustible mercy. In the story of Jabez we see how transformative prayer and faith in God can completely change our destiny. May we continue to trust in God's unlimited power to work miracles in our lives through prayer. May His mercy always accompany us, renewing and strengthening us in every step we take. May God's grace and love continue to flood your life and that of your loved ones! Thank you for sharing such a profound truth! God bless you abundantly! Amen!
Moises Mora : A name is not the seal of who we are, what comes from our heart for the blessing of others is.
Hello Moses! Your comment is very deep and thoughtful. It is true that a name does not completely define our identity, but what comes from our hearts for the blessing of others is what really matters. In the story of Jabez we see how his transformative prayer and faith in God completely changed his destiny, despite the burden he carried in his name. May we continue to focus on what is in our hearts, how we bless others, and how we seek God's will at all times. May our actions reflect the light and love of God in everything we do! May God bless you richly and continue to guide your heart toward blessing others! Thank you for sharing that wise reflection! May the grace of God be with you always!
Luis Alfredo Ramirez Cano: The name can mark our destiny, it can be a seal that marks our walk in life; In those times, God himself, in some cases, changed the name of his chosen ones, who also changed their identity. Today we live in the grace of Our Father, the decision to change our identity and our name depends on ourselves. We are responsible for ensuring that those who listen to us and see our fruit also make the decision. But as many as received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12) And if children, then heirs, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God...( Rom 8:17) heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29) according to the hope of eternal life. And if we are called children of God, we have already changed our names, we are new creatures, and blessings will come to us. Now in the time of grace, the Lord changed our name to Children of God.
Hello Luis Alfredo! What a deep and truthful reflection you share! It is true that in biblical history we see how God changed the name of some of His chosen ones, thus marking a change in their identity and destiny. In our day, we live under the grace of our heavenly Father, and the decision to change our identity and our name depends on our relationship with Him. As you mention, by believing in the name of Jesus, we are made children of God, heirs of his promises and blessings. It is a powerful reminder that, as children of God, our identity and destiny are in Him, and that we are new creatures in Christ. May God's grace continue to transform our lives and bless us with each new identity we receive in Him! Thank you for sharing such a valuable reflection full of hope and truth! May God's promises continue to be a reality in your life and in the lives of those around you! God bless you abundantly! Amen!
Rodrigo Castrillón Gomez: I agree the power of prayer is immense, so much so that one of the strongest and most constant examples of the Lord Jesus was that Pray, Pray and Pray.... He always looked for those moments of Prayer. Before performing any miracle he prayed, after doing it, he prayed. Prayer was always with Him
Hello Rodrigo! What a beautiful observation you make about the power of prayer, which was so fundamental in the life of Jesus. As you mention, He left us a powerful example of how constant and persevering prayer connects us with God and strengthens us in our faith. In the story of Jabez we see how his transformative prayer completely changed his destiny, demonstrating once again the impact of constant communication with God. Let us follow the example of Jesus, seeking those intimate moments of prayer in which we can receive comfort, strength, and divine direction. May prayer always be an essential part of our lives, strengthening and guiding us at all times! Thank you for sharing such an accurate and relevant reflection! May the grace and power of prayer continue to be a source of blessing in your life! God bless you abundantly! Amen!