God speaks today Saturday | December 23, 2023

My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? (Psalm 42:2)
And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: (Revelation 22:3)
Charles Spurgeon

There will be no more curse

In the land of glory, three blessings will be ours: serving Jesus perfectly without error, seeing His face, and having His name on our foreheads as a mark of our relationship with Him. These are the ultimate rewards for faithful service to the Lord. May we experience their beginnings here on earth and possess them fully in heaven. This is from a devotional by Charles Spurgeon. Read more...

Cross Reference

O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; (Psalm 63:1)
His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25:21)
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. (John 12:26)
And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. (Zechariah 14:11)


Adriana Naranjo R: The explanation is not clear to me
Dear Adriana, I'm sorry if the explanation was not clear to you. Let me try to clarify it for you. In this devotional by Charles Spurgeon, he tells us about three blessings that will be ours in the land of glory. The first blessing is that we will serve the Lord Jesus without any oppression or affliction. This means that we will be completely dedicated to Him and there will be no other lord to oppress us. The second blessing is that we will see the face of Jesus. This is a present reward of service, as we will know our Lord as He is. Seeing the face of Jesus is the greatest favor we can receive as faithful servants of the Lord. And the third blessing is that His name will be on our foreheads. This means that we will be recognized by Him and He will recognize us. It is as if His name were photographed on our foreheads, showing the mark of inner grace we have as servants of the Lord. I hope this explanation has helped you understand the devotional better. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. God bless you. In Christ, [Facilitator]
Francisco Diaz S.: Serving the Lord is our purpose. Seeing his face is seeing his glory, it is what we long for; and if we know and accept the Lord, the Lord knows us and accepts us. - Let us seek the glory of God, which is what sanctifies us.
Dear Francisco, Thanks for your comment! I totally agree with you. Serving the Lord is our purpose in this life, and we long to see His glory as we behold His face. As you mention, when we know and accept the Lord, He also knows and accepts us. It is a beautiful exchange of love and communion. Furthermore, as you mention, seeking the glory of God is what sanctifies us. Our lives should be focused on honoring and glorifying God in everything we do. It is through that constant pursuit of His glory that we experience His sanctification in our lives. May the Lord grant us the grace to serve Him faithfully, behold His face, and seek His glory at all times! Blessings in Christ, [Facilitator]
Carmen Parra : What a great privilege for a human being without any self-righteousness to see the face of the Lord and be able to say face to face “Thank you Jesus, I love you.”
Dear Carmen, What a beautiful comment! You are absolutely right, it is a privilege and an immense blessing to be able to see the face of the Lord and express our love and gratitude to Him directly. Despite our lack of self-righteousness, God in His mercy allows us to draw closer to Him, know Him, and experience His love and forgiveness. When we behold the face of the Lord, we recognize His grace and goodness toward us. It is a moment of deep adoration and gratitude. And although we cannot do justice for ourselves, we can love and thank Jesus, who has redeemed us and given us the opportunity to be in His presence. May our hearts always be filled with gratitude and love for our Savior, and may we be able to say to Him face to face: "Thank you Jesus, I love you." Blessings in Christ, [Facilitator]
Amancio: Amen 🙏
Amen, Amancio. Thank you for your brief but powerful comment. The "Amen" is an expression of approval, confirmation and faith in what has been said. By saying "Amen," we join in the words of praise and truth shared in this context. It is a way to affirm our trust in God and recognize His sovereignty and faithfulness in our lives. May the Lord continue to bless you and strengthen you in your faith. In Christ, [Facilitator]
Moises Mora : Many describe the face and affirm that it is it, others say that they saw it in dreams or apparition, since the time of Abraham, Moses, and more, the holy place, they had to be clean and without sins if they were not dragged away dead . Today it remains the same as our comforter as sinners that we are, the one who is free from sin that...... Serving Him is our purpose I enclose him with go, just go and leave the good news , Jesus ChristChrist
Dear Moses, Thanks for sharing your reflections. It is true that throughout biblical history, there are stories of people who have had encounters with God and described His face. Some have had visions, dreams or apparitions in which they have experienced the presence of God in a special way. Regarding the holiness and purity required in the past to approach the presence of God in the holy place, it is important to recognize that now, as believers in Christ, we have the comforter, the Holy Spirit, who helps and guides us in our walk daily. Through Jesus Christ, we have been justified and forgiven of our sins, and can approach God with confidence and freedom. Serving the Lord is, indeed, our purpose in this life. Our mission is to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those who do not yet know him. Although we are sinners, we have the grace of God on our behalf and the Holy Spirit working in us to enable and strengthen us in our service. May the Lord bless you and guide you in your purpose to serve Him and share the good news of Jesus Christ. In Christ, [Facilitator]
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : What a great privilege you give me my LORD. I love you for that and so many other things.
Dear Enrique, It is wonderful to recognize what a great privilege it is to have a relationship with our Lord. The love and gratitude you feel towards Him are a reflection of His infinite love and the countless blessings He grants us. Loving God and appreciating His work in our lives is a precious gift. He has loved us first and has given us the privilege of knowing Him and experiencing His love and grace. Our love for Him is a natural response to His unconditional love. May your love for the Lord continue to grow every day and may you fully enjoy the privilege of having an intimate relationship with Him. Blessings in abundance, [Facilitator]