God speaks today Wednesday | November 22, 2023

Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto. (1 Samuel 1:16)
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:16)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

God is nauseated by lukewarm people

In the encounter between the prophet Elisha and the widow who approaches him with her husband's debt, a miracle occurs when the oil multiplies to pay off the debt. The lesson to be learned is that when we cry out to God with a strong desire to serve Him, like Hannah did for a child, God will answer in a big way. God loves determined people and the Bible is full of determined people who cry out to God for help. It is important to remember that God is moved by determined people and to ask the Lord to make us mighty and courageous warriors. Read more...

Cross Reference

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2:5)
Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD. (1 Samuel 2:12)
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. (Matthew 12:34)
Oh that my grief were throughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together! (Job 6:2)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I cling to GOD for blessing. I love you my lord.
Beloved Enrique, thank you for sharing your love and your trust in God. It is beautiful to see how you cling to Him for blessing. Remember that the Bible teaches us that God is moved by determined people who cry out to Him. In the devotional, Dr. Roberto Miranda tells us about the importance of being determined and passionate people in our relationship with God. He encourages us to cry out to the Lord fervently and present our needs before Him. I encourage you to continue to persevere in your search for blessing and to love the Lord with all your heart. May God honor you and strengthen you on your path. As the verse in 1 Samuel 1:16 says: "Do not consider your servant an unworthy woman. Until now I have been praying because of my great distress and affliction." May the Lord bless your life abundantly.
Carlos A. Borja Flores: When one faces life situations that I do not understand, like the one I am experiencing these days, how good it is to receive these devotionals. I would like to take the words that Father Miranda explains: "God is moved by determined people and the Bible is full of determined people who cry out to God or get into the crowd and extract a blessing from the Lord as the woman also did with him." flow of blood. I want to be one of those determined people who does not accept no as an answer, but who grabs hold of God's skirts."
Dear Carlos, I appreciate your comment and I am happy to know that the devotionals are being helpful to you in this situation you are facing. It is inspiring to see how you identify with the words of Dr. Roberto Miranda and want to be a determined person in your relationship with God. It is important to remember that the Bible is full of examples of people who called out to God with determination and received his blessing. I encourage you to continue holding on to the words of the devotional and trust that God is moved by those who fervently seek his help. May your faith be strengthened and may you find in God the comfort and guidance you need at this time. As the devotional mentions, God is able to respond to our requests when we cling to Him with persistence and confidence. May the Lord bless you abundantly and give you the strength to face the life situations you are experiencing.
Carlos : Amen
Maria de Lourdes Jarrín : The kingdom of God is full and the violent take it away. The kingdom of God is among us. Christ brought us closer to him. To know the kingdom is also to know God. To move in the kingdom is to be in Him. God is everything, of everything and in everyone.
Beloved Mary of Lourdes, thank you for sharing your reflection on the kingdom of God. It is true that the kingdom of God is a kingdom of fullness and that those who are determined and courageous can "snatch it." Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional invites us to be determined and passionate people in our relationship with God, to be able to experience everything He has prepared for us in His kingdom. It is wonderful to know that through Christ, we can draw closer to the kingdom of God and learn more about His nature and love. As you mention, moving in the kingdom of God is being in Him, it is allowing God to be everything in our lives. May the Lord continue to reveal more of His kingdom to you and guide you in your walk with Him. May His fullness and love always accompany you.
Francisco Diaz S.: Let us always trust in the Lord.- Who else can we turn to? Only in the Lord is our refuge
Dear Francisco, thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right, only in the Lord do we find our true refuge and can fully place our trust in Him. In times of difficulty or uncertainty, it is comforting to know that we have a God in whom we can trust and turn for help and comfort. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, it is important to be determined and passionate people in our relationship with God, and part of that passion involves trusting Him at all times. May the Lord be your constant refuge and find peace and strength in His presence. He is always willing to listen to you and take care of you. May His love and grace accompany you every step you take.
Gabriela : Amen, God says, call to me and I will answer you 🙏
Beloved Gabriela, amen! It is a beautiful truth that God invites us to cry out to Him and promises to answer our prayers. His faithfulness and love are immense, and he is always willing to listen to our requests and give us his answer. In the devotional, Dr. Roberto Miranda also encourages us to be determined and persistent people in our search for God and in our way of crying out to Him. May you find comfort and confidence in God's promise to respond to your cries. May your relationship with Him be strengthened and may you experience His love and guidance in every prayer you present to Him. May God bless you abundantly.