God speaks today Wednesday | November 8, 2023

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: (Habakkuk 3:17)
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

God, through thick and thin

Churches and pastors often fail to prepare their congregations for the inevitable suffering and adversity that believers will face. Even when we pray, fast, and confess sins, trials may persist, and our faithfulness can be tested. In these times, we must trust in God's sovereignty and recognize that everything He does in our lives is ultimately good, even if we don't understand it. Sometimes suffering comes from doing God's will, and we may face persecution or attack for our integrity and testimony. We should strive to glorify God in the midst of our trials and maintain an attitude of surrender to His will. Our sufferings are never in vain, and God is always working positively in the lives of His children. We can trust that nothing can separate us from His love, and all things work together for our good. Read more...

Cross Reference

Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. (Acts 14:22)
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: (1 Peter 4:12)
For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. (1 Peter 2:20)
Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. (Jeremiah 14:2)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I hope to always remain under the will of GOD. Hallelujah.
Amen, dear Enrique. It is wonderful to have the desire to always remain under the will of God. As the Habakkuk verse you shared mentions (3:17), even in the midst of difficulties and trials, we can find joy in the Lord and trust in his sovereignty. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional reminds us, sometimes we can go through difficult situations without a clear explanation, but it is important to remember that God is always working in our lives and that everything that happens to us has a purpose. Keep trusting in God and seeking His will at all times! Hallelujah!
Vicente Palma C: Lord and heavenly Father, we thank you for this new day of life that you have given us, thank you for the brothers of the León de Judá Church and our pastor Roberto Miranda, faithful servant of the Lord, we follow the devotional daily that helps us continue walking and believing more in the Lord, every day we are strengthened in his preachings and teachings that frequently remind us that we are children of God, many blessings dear family in Christ. Amen and amen
Amen, Vincent. What a beautiful expression of gratitude and blessings for the family in Christ! It is wonderful to be able to begin each day recognizing and thanking our Lord and heavenly Father for the life he gives us. It is also a blessing to have brothers in faith and a pastor like Dr. Roberto Miranda, who guides and teaches us through his preaching and devotionals. As he mentions in his devotional, it is important to prepare ourselves for the suffering and adversity that may come, but also to remember that God is sovereign and always works for our good. May you continue to strengthen in faith and grow in the knowledge of the Lord through teachings and preaching. May the blessings of the Lord always be with you! Amen and amen.
Sandra García : It is a great blessing for me to always listen to the devotional every day.
Hello Sandra! We are glad to know that Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional is a great blessing for you. It is wonderful to be able to take time each day to listen and reflect on the Word of God and the teachings he shares with us. As the devotional mentions, it is important to prepare for times of difficulty and adversity, but also to remember that God is always working in our lives and that everything has a purpose in his plan. May you continue to be strengthened and encouraged in your faith through these devotionals and may the Lord continue to speak to your heart and guide you each day. Blessings!
Nancy: Amen dear father help me to have faith and hope in you
Amen, dear Nancy. It is wonderful to see your desire to have faith and hope in our beloved Heavenly Father. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, sometimes we can go through difficult situations where our faith is tested, but it is in those moments that we must trust in the sovereignty and faithfulness of God. He is always at our side, ready to strengthen us and sustain us in the midst of trials. Continue seeking God, praying and trusting in him at all times. Remember that faith allows us to see beyond circumstances and hope in the goodness and care of the Lord. May God bless you and grant you the faith and hope you need in your walk with him. Cheer up!
Francisco Diaz S.: In the Lord is my refuge and my comfort, nothing will separate me from Him.
Amen, Francisco. What a beautiful statement of trust in the Lord. As you mention, in God we find refuge and comfort in the midst of any situation we face. Nothing can separate us from the love and protection of our beloved heavenly Father. Although we may face difficulties, trials or adversities, we can rest in the assurance that God is always with us, caring for us and strengthening us. May that conviction continue to encourage you and remind you that in the Lord we find our refuge and comfort. May God bless you and sustain you in his love!
Veronica Cruz: Thank you for your words, Pastor Miranda, and thank you because every day you send me the devotionals, God is in the trials and from it we have to get what God wants so that we know that He will not leave us alone, that He will bring us out in victory if we go your hand, forward!!! He tells us it won't be long, let's just trust in Our Heavenly Father. God bless the work you do, thank you so much!!!
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Franklin mora : Blessings, Pastor Miranda, along with his entire family and the ministerial team that he serves, where you preside over excellent divine counsel in the content of today's message, which has built our lives in a very special way, continues its hard work through these means where I am persuaded. that the divine purpose will continue to be fulfilled in these prophetic times before the coming of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth who will reward you in honor and greatness a thousand blessings
Hello Franklin! We appreciate your words of blessing and support for Pastor Miranda and his ministry team. It is wonderful to see how the message of the day has been edifying and has had a special impact on your life. The work they do through these media is of great importance to spread the teachings of the Word of God and strengthen the faith of many. May you continue to be instruments in God's hands to bring hope and wisdom to those who listen to and read these devotionals. May the Lord reward your work and grant you His grace and blessings in abundance. May God bless you too and strengthen you in your walk with him!
Jaqueline: that the word of God fills the heart, brings us blessings and wisdom in times of struggle. Thank the pastor for always being there.
That's right, Jaqueline. The Word of God is an inexhaustible source of blessings and wisdom that fills our hearts in times of struggle and difficulty. It strengthens us, guides us and comforts us. It is wonderful to have spiritual leaders like Pastor Miranda who are willing to share the Word of God and provide guidance and support through their ministry. We thank the pastor for his dedication and service, always willing to be present and accompany those who seek direction and encouragement. May the Word of God continue to fill your heart and guide your steps at all times. May God bless you abundantly!
Efigenia Vidal : Today's theme, in the devotional, is so clear and precise, that it motivated me to write a statement, which came to my mind, it is for me a confirmation that the affliction, of going through the desert, in the end has a gain, because ABBA Father, makes everything perfect. Thank you Pastor, the Eternal Father bless you and continue to give direction to guide and teach, about walking the path of life and not abandoning it, because in Christ Jesus, I can do all things.
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Rodolfo Manuel Quiros Ramirez : The Lord God is wonderful and merciful, to him always be all honor and glory forever and ever, amen and Amen, thank you very much brothers for the word of the Lord God. God bless you always.
Amen, Rodolfo. The Lord God is truly wonderful and merciful. He deserves all the honor and glory forever. We appreciate your words and bless you as well, wishing that the Lord continues to shower his love and blessings on you. May you continue to be strengthened by his Word and may his presence accompany you at all times. God bless you abundantly!
Reyna Ramírez : Amen, I rejoice in this word and I decide to be grateful and happy despite the circumstances.
Amen, Reyna. It is beautiful to see your attitude of gratitude and joy in the midst of circumstances. That is a brave and faith-filled decision. Remember that in God's Word we find the promise that we can always rejoice, even in the midst of difficulties. The Lord is with you and will strengthen you to face any situation. Continue to trust in His love and His power to carry you victoriously through every challenge. May the peace and joy of the Lord fill your life every day. God bless you abundantly!
Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez : Amen Amen Amen, Thank you Pastor for that Word full of Hope in these very complicated moments in humanity where when the test comes, Faith falters and it is not so easy to take hold of those statements of Faith.
Amen, Martha Eugenia. We appreciate your comment and understand that in difficult times it is normal for our faith to falter. However, the pastor reminds us in his message of the importance of holding on to hope and declarations of faith in the midst of trials. Although it is not always easy, let us remember that the Lord is our refuge and strength, and that in Him we find the strength and confidence to face any situation. Let us continue to seek his presence and his guidance, and allow his Spirit to strengthen us in our faith. May the Lord sustain you and give you the ability to take hold of those statements of faith in the midst of any circumstance. God bless you and keep you always!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: Even though I read this devotional a day late, I thank God for this teaching, because how difficult it is to experience inexplicable situations in our Christian walk!
Amen, Carlos. It doesn't matter if you read the devotional a day late, God's message always comes at the perfect time. It is true, sometimes we find ourselves in situations that seem inexplicable in our Christian walk. However, the pastor reminds us that we have to trust in God's sovereignty and recognize that He always has a purpose behind every situation we face. Even if we don't fully understand at the moment, we know that God is good and that He is working in our lives to fulfill His benevolent purposes. Let us continue to trust Him and seek His direction in every step we take. May the Lord strengthen you and give you wisdom to understand his plan in your life. God bless you abundantly!
Gabriela Sotelo : Tribulations are part of the life of a Christian, but through all of them, the Lord is with us
Amen, Gabriela. It is true that tribulations are part of the life of a Christian, but we can have comfort and hope because the Lord is always with us. In the midst of difficulties, we can trust that the Lord will strengthen us, comfort us, and guide us. He promises to never leave us or forsake us, and his presence gives us peace and security in the midst of storms. Let us continue to hold on to the promise that the Lord is with us at all times and that He is our strength and our refuge. May his love and presence accompany you and sustain you in all the circumstances of life. God bless you and keep you always!