God speaks today Tuesday | October 24, 2023

In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee. (1 Kings 3:5)
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)
Charles Spurgeon

Achieving unlimited power requires constant communion with Jesus

To have unlimited power in prayer, one must remain in a living, loving, and conscious union with Jesus. This means the heart must remain in love, the mind rooted in faith, and the whole person united to Christ. Hearing Jesus speak and obeying His words is essential to effective prayer. Only those who walk with God and have constant communion with Him can handle the keys of heaven and intercede effectively for the church and world. Read more...

Cross Reference

Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. (Psalm 37:4)
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:13)
And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: (1 John 5:14)
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. (1 John 3:22)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Every moment I maintain my communication with GOD through prayer. I love you my lord.
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, Thank you for sharing your comment and for expressing your love for our Lord through prayer. It is beautiful to see how you remain in constant communion with God. As we maintain that communication with Him, let us remember Jesus' words in John 15:7: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you." Charles Spurgeon's devotional also teaches us about the importance of abiding in Christ. He tells us that constant communion with Jesus is essential to achieve unlimited power in our spiritual lives. In fact, Spurgeon encourages us to remain united with Christ at all times, not just in a superficial sense, but in a living and conscious union. Spurgeon exhorts us to have our hearts rooted in love, our minds grounded in faith, and our hopes grounded in the Word. Furthermore, it reminds us that we must listen to Jesus so that He can hear us. To the extent that we listen to Christ and His teachings, we will be heard by Him. So, dear Enrique, continue to maintain that constant communion with God through prayer and listen carefully to His words. Allow His Word to live in you and guide you in your daily life. May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart as you continue in Him. May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Blessings in Christ, [Your Name]
Ana Gema Jorquera: Grateful for receiving your Devotionals every day, it leads me to be connected with the Loving Father God, and not to lose communion with Prayer, dear Blessing Chile.
Dear Ana Gema Jorquera, Thank you for sharing your gratitude for receiving the devotionals and for expressing how they help you stay connected to our loving Father! It is wonderful to see how receiving these devotionals encourages you not to lose communion through prayer. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional, he also highlights the importance of maintaining constant communion with Jesus. He encourages us to remain in Him, through a living and conscious union. Just as you mention, being connected with the Loving Father God and not losing communion with prayer is essential for our spiritual life. May the Lord continue to bless you and strengthen your relationship with Him through devotions and prayer. May His love and grace be with you always, and may you experience His closeness and care in your daily life. Blessings from Chile, [Your Name]
GRACE Rodríguez Puebla : The desire of my heart is to be in continuous communion with my Lord, because I know that HE is it. first in my life, and HE has promised to be with me at all times and that makes me strong, confident and I do not fear. Blessed and Praised be mine LORD AND MY GOD. Amen 🙏
Dear GRACE Rodríguez Puebla, How beautiful it is to read about your longing to be in continuous communion with our Lord! It is inspiring to see how you recognize that He is first in your life and how you find strength and confidence in His promise to be with you at all times. Blessed and praised be our Lord and God. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional, he also encourages us to abide in Christ and maintain constant communion with Him. He reminds us that by staying united with Jesus, our prayers have power and that in Him we find everything we need. Your faith and trust in the Lord reflect the truth of the words of John 15:7: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you." May the Lord continue to bless your desire to be in communion with Him, and may His presence and love be a source of strength, confidence, and peace in your life. May you experience His guidance and protection at all times. Amen. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ always accompany you. Blessings in Christ, [Your Name]
Francisco Diaz S.: MISTER; I am his servant, I will walk after him
Dear Francisco Diaz S., Thank you for sharing your declaration of being a servant of the Lord and your willingness to walk after Him. It is beautiful to see your commitment and dedication to the service of the Lord. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional, he encourages us to remain in constant communion with Jesus and to walk with Him. By recognizing yourself as a servant of the Lord and being willing to follow His ways, you are following Jesus' call to His followers. In John 15:7, He tells us, "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you." May the Lord guide and strengthen you in your walk with Him. May His Holy Spirit enable you to be a faithful servant and to fulfill His will in your life. May you experience the closeness and care of the Lord in every step you take. May the peace of God always be with you. Blessings in Christ, [Your Name]
Fernando : It is a great blessing to have the Word of God every day. It allows us to be in communion with Him. Thank you for Your Ministry. Blessings
Dear Fernando, Thank you for sharing your appreciation for having God's Word every day and for recognizing how it allows us to be in communion with Him! It is truly a blessing to have access to God's Word and to be able to nurture our relationship with Him through it. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional, he urges us to maintain constant communion with Jesus to achieve unlimited power in our spiritual lives. By having the Word of God and meditating on it, we grow closer to our Lord and grow in our relationship with Him. Let us thank God for His Word and for the ministry He gives us. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly as you immerse yourself in His Word and seek to commune with Him. May His grace and love be with you always. Blessings in Christ, [Your Name]
Patricia Pinzon: The glory and honor be to our ALMIGHTY GOD. Although many times in prayer we feel we are not heard, he is always there to hear our cries, prayers, requests and praises. Although we are going through the desert, we find ourselves in the lake of despair, anguish, sadness, pain, deep suffering, HE is there listening to us, ready to help us, He is our soon help and help in tribulation. Although it is not easy and we do not understand it, in prayer and praise He will always be present and will extend His hand of power through His eternal love and mercy towards us, He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is pleased that we have a daily communion or personal relationship that brings us peace, strength, wisdom, direction and knowledge of our purpose here on earth and eternal purpose in his Celestial Kingdom. Blessings for all who trust and believe in ALMIGHTY GOD and for those who are in despair, darkness and who in prayer will be able to see the Light, the Way and Eternal Life.
Dear Patricia Pinzon, Thank you for sharing your deep reflection and your faith in our almighty God! It is beautiful to see how you recognize that although sometimes we feel that our prayers are not heard, God is always there to hear us and respond to our requests and praises. In your comment, you reflect the truth of the biblical promise in John 15:7, where Jesus tells us: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you." Even if we go through difficult times and are in the desert or in anguish, God is present to listen to us and extend His powerful help and comfort. May the Lord continue to strengthen your faith and trust in Him as you seek daily fellowship and a personal relationship with our almighty God. May His love and mercy be with you at all times, and may you experience His peace, strength and direction in your life. Blessings in abundance to you and to all those who trust and believe in our almighty God. May those who are in despair find light, path and eternal life through prayer and communion with God. May the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Blessings in Christ, [Your Name]
YELITZA NEUTA LLANOS: In my humble opinion, I say that I have prayed to my God, and He has always answered me, I don't see it, but I feel it and He has given me so much that I have not known how to maintain what He gives me. I have had everything in my hands and I have let it go on many occasions. I have failed my God a lot and He does not abandon me. The glory of God is great and merciful.
Dear YELITZA NEUTA LLANOS, Thank you for sharing your humble opinion and your personal experience in your relationship with God. It is beautiful to see how you recognize that you have prayed to God and He has always answered you, even when you have failed or let go of what He has given you. In your comment, you reflect the greatness and mercy of our God. Although we sometimes fail ourselves and God, He never abandons us and remains faithful in His love and grace toward us. The experience of having God present in our lives and feeling His response to our prayers is truly special. As we continue in our relationship with Him, it is important to also remember His greatness and mercy, and seek to grow in our faithfulness and dedication to Him. May the Lord strengthen and guide you as you continue on your walk of faith. May you find comfort in His love and experience His forgiveness and restoration in your life. May the glory of God continue to be magnified and His mercy be with you always. Blessings in Christ, [Your Name]