God speaks today Wednesday | September 20, 2023

The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. (Isaiah 52:10)
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (Matthew 28:19)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Ask the Spirit of God to visit you again with Power

The fact that a small group of humble and uneducated people were able to spread the Gospel and impact the world shows the power and authenticity of the Word of God. The key to their success was not their education or resources, but their baptism and filling with the Holy Spirit. This same power is available to us today if we seek it through a life of prayer, fasting, praise, holiness, and surrender to the Lord. As Christian leaders and servants, we must prioritize seeking the Power of the Holy Spirit in order to be effective witnesses of the Gospel. Read more...

Cross Reference

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:38)
Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. (Acts 13:46)


Celia : Wonderful word! God baring his arm for us, to defend us from our enemies, he rolls up his sleeves, in the sight of all nations, shocking, glory to God and may we soon see him in each one of us, that work in our lives
Thank you, Celia, for your comment. It is true, it is wonderful to see how God shows his power and his salvation before all nations. As the verse in Isaiah 52:10 says, "The LORD has bared His holy arm In the sight of all the nations, And all the ends of the earth will see The salvation of our God." This reminds us that God is capable of working powerfully and transforming our lives. May we experience His work in our lives and be effective witnesses of His love and salvation. Glory to God!
Celia de los Ángeles : Amen, we will see it very soon, amen, may God strengthen us to continue seeking his fullness, always, and we will see it because those of us who wait in Him will not be ashamed.
Amen, Celia de los Ángeles. You're right. Those of us who wait on the Lord will not be put to shame. Our God is faithful and strengthens us to continue seeking his fullness and experiencing his power in our lives. As the devotional mentions, we need to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to break the limitations and obstacles in our lives. Let us continue to trust in God and seek his presence, because he will enable us to be effective witnesses of his gospel. May God bless you and strengthen you in your walk with him.
Harold Orlando Pérez : Excellent message of the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, which manifests itself in all splendor when we are in the correct spiritual north. Without the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are just another piece of meat.
Thank you, Harold Orlando Pérez, for your comment. I agree with you, without the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are limited and weak. As the devotional mentions, we need to seek the filling of the Holy Spirit to have the support and ability to do God's work. When we are connected to the Holy Spirit, we experience His power and are transformed. May we continue to seek that communion with the Holy Spirit to live a life full of his strength and power. God bless you!
Francisco Diaz S.: In the name of the Lord I begin the day knowing that his holy spirit is with me and everything will go well for me.- Thank you Lord for giving me your company
Amen, Francisco Diaz S. It is beautiful to start the day knowing that the Holy Spirit is with us and accompanies us at all times. As you mention, when we have the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can be sure that everything will go well for us, because he guides us, strengthens us and comforts us. Let us continue to thank the Lord for his company and trust in his direction in every step we take. May you have a day full of blessings under the protection of the Holy Spirit. God bless you greatly!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you my LORD for your Spirit that always accompanies me.
Amen, Enrique Meneses Muñoz. It is wonderful to be able to recognize and thank the Lord for his Spirit that always accompanies us. His presence in our lives fills us with comfort, strength and direction. Let us continue to value and cultivate that relationship with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide and transform us each day. May the peace and love of the Lord be with you always. God bless you!
Juan luis : GOD BLESS YOU
Thank you, Juan Luis. May God also bless you abundantly. May his grace and love accompany you every step you take. May you find strength and comfort in his presence. May you have a day full of blessings!
Franklin Zapata Quintero: I can only say that it is a great blessing to have the daily word every day that has helped me in my formation and guidance so that each morning I have a renewed word and through it I start the day to thank God for each sunrise and glorify him in prayer guidance. In the word diaris they are blessed with all my heart. many blessings to all those who in one way or another send daily word to this servant of Christ.
Thank you, Franklin Zapata Quintero, for your comment. It is a blessing to have the Word of God as a guide and strength in our daily lives. As you mention, starting the day with a renewed word helps us thank God for each sunrise and glorify Him in prayer. It is wonderful to know that the daily Word accompanies us and sustains us in our walk with Christ. May you continue to be blessed in your spiritual formation and may the Lord continue to guide you through his Word. May God bless you abundantly!
Franklin Zapata Quintero: Only gratitude and joy because through the daily word I can begin my prayer of gratitude to the heavenly father in Christ Jesus and the daily word helps me with its words and verses to honor the giver of life. Thank you, gentlemen, for the daily word, thank you very much and many blessings.
Franklin Zapata Quintero, we are very happy that the Daily Word is a blessing to you! It is beautiful to know that through it you can begin your prayers of gratitude to the heavenly Father in Christ Jesus. God's Word is a powerful guide that helps us honor the giver of life and live in accordance with his will. We appreciate your appreciation and your words of blessing. May the Lord continue to illuminate your life through his Word and may you continue to experience his love and direction at all times. God bless you abundantly!
franklin zapata quintero: I want to ask a favor tomorrow I have to send a devotional for a church and I would like to send about sleeping faith and how to wake it up, thank you
Franklin Zapata Quintero, it's a pleasure to help you! Faith is a fundamental topic in our Christian life, and it is wonderful that you want to share a devotional on how to awaken it. Here is a suggestion for your devotional: Title: Awakening sleeping faith Biblical text: "By faith we understand that the universe was made by the word of God, so that what is seen was made of what was not seen." (Hebrews 11:3) Introduction: Begin by reflecting on the importance of faith in our relationship with God and how sometimes we can experience a faith that seems to be dormant or dormant. Development: 1. Recognizing dormant faith: Talk about possible reasons why our faith may become dormant, such as routine, trials, or lack of intimacy with God. 2. Awakening faith: Share biblical examples of how people who were going through difficult situations awakened their faith. You can mention characters like Abraham, Moses or the apostle Peter. 3. Keys to awakening faith: Offers practical advice based on the Word of God to activate and strengthen our faith. You can mention the importance of prayer, reading the Word, fellowship with other believers, and constant reminders of God's promises. 4. Testimonies of living faith: Share testimonies of people who have experienced an awakening of their faith and how that has transformed their life and their relationship with God. Conclusion: End by encouraging listeners to seek an awakening of their faith, to trust in God, and to allow the Holy Spirit to renew and strengthen their relationship with Him. Remember to personalize this devotional with your own experiences and teachings. May the Lord guide you and bless you as you share this message of faith. May God accompany you in your service to the church and grant you wisdom in your teaching!
franklin zapata quintero: Amen and thank you God continue to bless you forever
Amen, Franklin Zapata Quintero. We appreciate your words and blessings. May God continue to shower his blessings on you too. May his grace and love be with you at all times and may you find strength in his presence. May you have a day full of blessings!
Rosa María : Good night HALLELUJAAA amen and amen, that's right We just need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and he will guide us completely in everything he tells us to do. Glory to God and. His blessed name. Blessings 🙏😇🙏😇
Good night, Rosa María! Hallelujah and amen to your words. It is true, as we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have divine guidance for every step we take. It is beautiful to glorify God and recognize his blessed name in our lives. May the Lord continue to shower blessings on you and may his Holy Spirit continue to guide you at all times. May you have a night full of peace and joy in the presence of the Lord! Blessings for you too. 🙏😇🙏😇
Franklin Zapata: love and love blessings to each one of you for this and every day
Amen, Franklin Zapata. We appreciate your amens and your blessings. May each day be filled with the blessings and grace of our Lord for you. May his love surround you, his peace be with you and his wisdom guide you at all times. Have a wonderful day filled with the presence of God! Abundant blessings to you too. 🙏😇🙏😇
Jesús rios : What Dr. Miranda teaches is very true, I believe that what I lack is not to neglect prayer, the study of the word of GOD, fasting and being filled with the holy spirit, the cares of life have made me a deer useless, I have not advanced like this where GOD wanted to take me, I have been setting my sights on the things of the earth and not on the kingdom of GOD, Pastor Miranda is completely right and it is an exortation that ensures that we be filled with the spirit holy that is what I am missing GOD have mercy on us because I am not fulfilling the call to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ, may his perfect and holy will be done amen
Jesús Ríos, thank you for your honesty and sincerity in your comment. It is understandable that, in the midst of the cares of life, one can neglect fundamental aspects of our faith. However, it is important to remember that there is always time to reorient ourselves and look for the right path. Dr. Miranda's exhortation about being filled with the Holy Spirit is very relevant. It is through communion with the Holy Spirit that we find strength, direction, and ability to fulfill the calling to be true disciples of Jesus Christ. It is valuable that you recognize your areas of growth and the need not to neglect prayer, the study of God's Word and fasting. Remember that God's mercy is infinite and He is always ready to forgive and restore those who come to Him with humility and repentance. May the Lord bless you in your quest to fulfill his calling. May his Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you in your relationship with Him. May his perfect and holy will become evident in your life. Courage and perseverance in your walk of faith! Amen.
Jesús rios : Amen thank you blessings 😘
Amen, Jesús Ríos. We appreciate your words and blessings. May the peace and blessings of the Lord be with you at all times. May his grace strengthen you and his love guide you in every step you take. May you have a day filled with the presence of God! Blessings for you too. 😘🙏😇