God speaks today Thursday | July 13, 2023

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. (Psalm 1:1)
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2 Timothy 3:1)
Alberto González Muñoz

Dangerous times

The author emphasizes that contemporary society places too much emphasis on personal fulfillment over collective well-being, making people selfish. This is reflected in Paul's warning about dangerous times in the end times, where people will be greedy and love themselves. The author urges believers to help those around them and follow God's plan to make the world less dangerous. Read more...

Cross Reference

I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. (Psalm 26:4)
Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. (Proverbs 4:14)
I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of thy hand: for thou hast filled me with indignation. (Jeremiah 15:17)
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. (Proverbs 13:20)


Julio Saturnino Ardura López : Excellent reflection, thank you for that word. Just a few days ago I had a mishap with a niece, we are at my mother's and her grandmother's, but I went to pray, I had planned to stay for more days, but I would like to return. While I was praying, a word came from my heart, and I said, I am going to sacrifice my well-being so that my mother and my niece have peace. Jesus did it for all humanity out of love and, if I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, obviously I have to imitate Him. I told my 87-year-old mother with a pacemaker; I am going to sacrifice my well-being for love of you. Today I return and feel peace, and my mother too. Glory to God Many blessings God bless you in everything Amen
Dear Julio Saturnino Ardura López, thank you very much for sharing your experience and reflection. It is inspiring to see how you decided to sacrifice your well-being for the love of your mother and niece, following the example of Jesus. As Alberto González Muñoz mentions in his devotional, believers find great satisfaction in helping the well-being of those around us and making them feel loved, understood and valued. Your act of love and sacrifice is a beautiful testament to that. Your story also reminds me of the verse that Alberto González Muñoz mentioned in his text: "not looking each one for his own, but each one also for the others" (Philippians 2:4). By putting the welfare of others before our own, we are living according to Biblical principles and following God's plan. May the Lord continue to bless you and shower his peace on you, your mother and your niece. Praise God for the peace you have experienced! May you continue to be a light in this dangerous world, showing the love and compassion of Christ to those around you. Amen! God bless you greatly.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Clinging with all my strength to my GOD every moment of the day to face these dangerous times. I love you my lord.
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, thank you for your comment and for sharing your devotion and love for God. It is wonderful to see how you cling to Him in these dangerous times. As Alberto González Muñoz mentions in his devotional, we live in a society where selfishness and personal interests dominate people's behavior. However, by being close to God and loving him, we find strength and security. Your commitment to love the Lord and cling to Him every moment of the day is inspiring. Remember the words of the psalmist in Psalm 1:1: "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers!" By seeking God and following His ways, we find blessing and protection. May the Lord continue to strengthen and guide you in these dangerous times. May His love surround you and give you the strength to face any challenge that comes your way. May God bless you and keep you at all times! With love, your facilitator.
Francisco Diaz S.: Let's be condescending with each other so that we live in healthy harmony.- God blesses those who act well.- Thank you Pastor Alberto for your beautiful message.
Dear Francisco Diaz S., thank you for your comment and for highlighting the importance of being condescending to one another in order to live in healthy harmony. As Alberto González Muñoz mentions in his devotional, believers cannot forget that nothing causes more satisfaction than helping the well-being of those around us. By acting in a kind and understanding manner, we reflect God's love and help create an environment of peace and harmony. It's beautiful to see how you recognize the blessing that God bestows on those who act righteously and kindly. As part of the verse quoted by Alberto González Muñoz says in his devotional, "God blesses those who do well." May this message inspire us to continue living according to biblical principles and to act with love and compassion towards others. I appreciate your words of gratitude to Alberto González Muñoz for his message. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you in your life. May His love and peace be with you always! With gratitude, your facilitator.
Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez : Nothing closer to the reality of this time, sadly the simplicity of some religious groups blinds the eyes and blinds the eyes of others. Thank you for this wonderful message, very uplifting, that the Lord Jesus Christ Strengthens us through His Holy Spirit so that our understanding is open, Thank you
Dear Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez, thank you for your comment and for highlighting the relevance of the message in these times. Unfortunately, it is true that sometimes the lack of understanding and simplicity in certain religious groups can cloud the truth and make it difficult for others to perceive. However, it is important to remember that each one has a responsibility to seek wisdom and understanding from God. I appreciate your words of gratitude for the message and I'm glad you find it uplifting. As Alberto González Muñoz mentions in his devotional, we need the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit to have our understandings open and to discern the truth in the midst of a confusing world. May the Lord Jesus Christ strengthen and guide you so that you may have a clear understanding of His Word and His will. May His Holy Spirit enlighten you and help you discern the truth in the midst of any confusion. May the peace and understanding of God be with you always! With love, your facilitator.
Sabino Marroquín López.: We are in: week 70: 7 years of life remain for humanity, because in the year 2030 there will be no water, and without water there is no life in the world, but humanity does not understand it and is unaware of it; the believing children of GOD who study the Bible will love them.
Dear Sabino Marroquín López, thank you for your comment and for sharing your perspective. I understand that you are concerned about the future of humanity and the scarcity of water that is predicted for the year 2030. It is important to reflect on the environmental challenges we face and seek solutions to preserve and care for our planet. It is encouraging to see that you mention the believing children of God who study the Bible. As Alberto González Muñoz mentions in his devotional, it is vital to follow the Lord's plan and act according to biblical principles. Believers have a responsibility to be good stewards of God's creation and care for natural resources, including water. As we study the Bible and seek to live according to God's commandments, we can find guidance and wisdom to face current and future challenges. However, it is important to remember that specific predictions about future events must be treated with caution, as only God knows the timing and manner in which all things will unfold. May the Lord guide us all, believers and unbelievers, to be aware of the importance of preserving the environment and to take steps to care for our land and its resources. Pray that humanity will become aware of these challenges and work together to find sustainable solutions. May the peace and wisdom of God be with you always. With love, your facilitator.
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : We do not give importance to God's mandate and that God's love has no borders, that is why as a believer we must support our brother with the backing of God and his wisdom to get ahead without fear, and we will always find the way out, because God is guiding us Blessings
Dear Gustavo Martinez Afanador, thank you for your comment and for highlighting the importance of God's mandate and His love that knows no borders. As you mention, as believers it is our duty to support our brothers and sisters, backed by the wisdom and support of God. It is comforting to know that we are not alone and that God guides us in every step we take. As Alberto González Muñoz mentions in his devotional, following the Lord's plan implies looking not only for our own interests, but also for the interests of others. By loving our neighbors and providing support in difficult times, we reflect God's love and compassion in our lives. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you walk in His wisdom and love. May you find strength and trust in Him to face any challenge that comes your way. May the love of God and His guidance be with you always! With blessings, your facilitator.
JUAN LUIS : Thank you for being better every day
Dear Juan Luis, thank you for your comment and your words of appreciation. I am glad to know that you are finding value in what we share and that you feel better every day. As a facilitator, my goal is to provide you with support and guidance based on the reflection and teachings that are presented in the devotional by Alberto González Muñoz. I appreciate your recognition and I am here to help you in whatever you need. May the Lord continue to bless you and guide you on your way. May you find inspiration and spiritual growth in each day. May His love and peace be with you always! With gratitude, your facilitator.
Marta Elena Guerrero Vázquez : Thank you very much and many blessings for the devotionals, they are a blessing and edification and please, I don't know what's going on, why they stop reaching me today I haven't received it.
Dear Marta Elena Guerrero Vázquez, thank you for your comment and your words of appreciation. I am glad to know that the devotionals are a blessing and edification for you. I'm sorry you experienced difficulties receiving the devotionals today. There may have been some technical or connection problem. I suggest checking your email settings to make sure you are receiving messages correctly. If the problem persists, I would recommend contacting the administrator or the team responsible for sending the devotionals so they can help you resolve any issues. I appreciate your patience and understanding. May the Lord continue to bless and build you up through His Word. May His grace and peace be with you always! With many blessings, your facilitator.
María del Carmen Rosado: God bless you always. We must continue to acclaim the Holy Spirit who gives us life, sanctifies and gives us wisdom.B
Dear María del Carmen Rosado, thank you for your comment and for your words of blessing. It is an important reminder to continue acclaiming the Holy Spirit in our lives. He enlivens us, sanctifies us, and gives us wisdom to face daily challenges. As you mention, it is essential to have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and allow His guidance to direct us at all times. Through His presence in our lives, we can experience deep spiritual growth and receive the divine wisdom we need to make wise decisions. May the Holy Spirit continue to work in your life, strengthening and guiding you in every step you take. May His love and grace be with you always. God bless you abundantly! With love, your facilitator.