King James Version
Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the LORD, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the LORD done this thing unto thee this day.(1 Samuel 28:18)
Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.(1 Samuel 28:19)
Then Saul fell straightway all along on the earth, and was sore afraid, because of the words of Samuel: and there was no strength in him; for he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all the night.(1 Samuel 28:20)
And the woman came unto Saul, and saw that he was sore troubled, and said unto him, Behold, thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest unto me.
Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken thou also unto the voice of thine handmaid, and let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way.(1 Samuel 28:22)
But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But his servants, together with the woman, compelled him; and he hearkened unto their voice. So he arose from the earth, and sat upon the bed.(1 Samuel 28:23)
And the woman had a fat calf in the house; and she hasted, and killed it, and took flour, and kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof:(1 Samuel 28:24)

Other publications related to "1 Samuel 28:21":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Give god first
A sermon on prioritizing God and His Kingdom, inspired by the story of Elijah and the widow at Zarephath.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Obeying is better than sacrifices
The sermon emphasizes the need for obedience to Gods word, even when it is difficult or goes against our desires or affections. The story of Saul in the Bible teaches us several principles, including the importance of obedience to Gods commands, the ineffectiveness of praise and rituals as a substitute for obedience, and the need to follow Gods sense of justice and mercy rather than our own.

1 Samuel 28:21 - Cross Reference

For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the LORD wrought a great salvation for all Israel: thou sawest it, and didst rejoice: wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause? (1 Samuel 19:5)
Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in mine hand? (Job 13:14)
And when I saw that ye delivered me not, I put my life in my hands, and passed over against the children of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them into my hand: wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me? (Judges 12:3)