King James Version
Moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time, which went up with them into the camp from the country round about, even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan.(1 Samuel 14:21)
Likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle.(1 Samuel 14:22)
So the LORD saved Israel that day: and the battle passed over unto Bethaven.(1 Samuel 14:23)
And the men of Israel were distressed that day: for Saul had adjured the people, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth any food until evening, that I may be avenged on mine enemies. So none of the people tasted any food.
And all they of the land came to a wood; and there was honey upon the ground.(1 Samuel 14:25)
And when the people were come into the wood, behold, the honey dropped; but no man put his hand to his mouth: for the people feared the oath.(1 Samuel 14:26)
But Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath: wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and dipped it in an honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened.(1 Samuel 14:27)

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1 Samuel 14:24 - Cross Reference

Now the men of Israel had sworn in Mizpeh, saying, There shall not any of us give his daughter unto Benjamin to wife. (Judges 21:1)
None devoted, which shall be devoted of men, shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death. (Leviticus 27:29)
And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities. (Numbers 21:2)
And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it. (Joshua 6:26)
And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, (Judges 11:30)
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. (Romans 10:2)
And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out. (Judges 1:28)
But Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath: wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and dipped it in an honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened. (1 Samuel 14:27)
Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves. (Judges 5:2)
It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me. (Psalm 18:47)
And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent. (Joshua 6:17)
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. (1 Corinthians 16:22)
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered. (Proverbs 11:9)
Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen. (Deuteronomy 27:15)