King James Version
And they said, What one is there of the tribes of Israel that came not up to Mizpeh to the LORD? And, behold, there came none to the camp from Jabeshgilead to the assembly.(Judges 21:8)
For the people were numbered, and, behold, there were none of the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead there.(Judges 21:9)
And the congregation sent thither twelve thousand men of the valiantest, and commanded them, saying, Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead with the edge of the sword, with the women and the children.(Judges 21:10)
And this is the thing that ye shall do, Ye shall utterly destroy every male, and every woman that hath lain by man.
And they found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.(Judges 21:12)
And the whole congregation sent some to speak to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock Rimmon, and to call peaceably unto them.(Judges 21:13)
And Benjamin came again at that time; and they gave them wives which they had saved alive of the women of Jabeshgilead: and yet so they sufficed them not.(Judges 21:14)

Other publications related to "Judges 21:11":

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A wasted opportunity
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Gregory Bishop
When they try to trick you
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Judges 21:11 - Cross Reference

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. (Numbers 31:17)
And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain: (Deuteronomy 2:34)