King James Version
And the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together, and went northward, and said unto Jephthah, Wherefore passedst thou over to fight against the children of Ammon, and didst not call us to go with thee? we will burn thine house upon thee with fire.(Judges 12:1)
And Jephthah said unto them, I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon; and when I called you, ye delivered me not out of their hands.(Judges 12:2)
And when I saw that ye delivered me not, I put my life in my hands, and passed over against the children of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them into my hand: wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me?(Judges 12:3)
Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim: and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said, Ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites, and among the Manassites.
And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay;(Judges 12:5)
Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.(Judges 12:6)
And Jephthah judged Israel six years. Then died Jephthah the Gileadite, and was buried in one of the cities of Gilead.(Judges 12:7)

Other publications related to "Judges 12:4":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
From crisis to blessing
Learn from King Jehoshaphats example and seek the Lords guidance through prayer and fasting in times of crisis. Remember the things God has done and gather with your Christian community for support and unity.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)
The sermon discusses spiritual warfare and the importance of obedience to God's will, using passages from 1 Kings 20 and other parts of the Bible. It emphasizes the need for discernment and a balance between forgiveness and judgment.

Judges 12:4 - Cross Reference

Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn their reproach upon their own head, and give them for a prey in the land of captivity: (Nehemiah 4:4)
The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble. (Proverbs 12:13)
And the elders of Gilead said unto Jephthah, The LORD be witness between us, if we do not so according to thy words. (Judges 11:10)
And the children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorite which was in it. (Numbers 32:39)
And this land, which we possessed at that time, from Aroer, which is by the river Arnon, and half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof, gave I unto the Reubenites and to the Gadites. (Deuteronomy 3:12)
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. (Proverbs 15:1)
And Nabal answered David's servants, and said, Who is David? and who is the son of Jesse? there be many servants now a days that break away every man from his master. (1 Samuel 25:10)
The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. (Psalm 78:9)