King James Version
Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor, and he was the son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Jephthah.(Judges 11:1)
And Gilead's wife bare him sons; and his wife's sons grew up, and they thrust out Jephthah, and said unto him, Thou shalt not inherit in our father's house; for thou art the son of a strange woman.(Judges 11:2)
Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him.(Judges 11:3)
And it came to pass in process of time, that the children of Ammon made war against Israel.
And it was so, that when the children of Ammon made war against Israel, the elders of Gilead went to fetch Jephthah out of the land of Tob:(Judges 11:5)
And they said unto Jephthah, Come, and be our captain, that we may fight with the children of Ammon.(Judges 11:6)
And Jephthah said unto the elders of Gilead, Did not ye hate me, and expel me out of my father's house? and why are ye come unto me now when ye are in distress?(Judges 11:7)

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A wasted opportunity
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Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Beware of modern Gibeonites!
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Judges 11:4 - Cross Reference

Moreover the children of Ammon passed over Jordan to fight also against Judah, and against Benjamin, and against the house of Ephraim; so that Israel was sore distressed. (Judges 10:9)