Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Salieron de Hazerot y acamparon en Ritma. (Numbers 33:18)
Salieron de Ritma y acamparon en Rimón Peres. (Numbers 33:19)
Salieron de Rimón Peres y acamparon en Libna. (Numbers 33:20)
Salieron de Libna y acamparon en Rissa.
Salieron de Rissa y acamparon en Ceelata. (Numbers 33:22)
Salieron de Ceelata y acamparon en el Monte Sefer. (Numbers 33:23)
Salieron del Monte Sefer y acamparon en Harada. (Numbers 33:24)

Other publications related to "Numbers 33:21":

Mick Da Silva
Leaving Lodebar, the place of suffering
The story of Mefi-bosheth in the Bible teaches us about Gods plan for those who feel trapped in a life of hardship and injustice. This article encourages readers to leave their Lodebar and come to the Kings table, emphasizing the importance of prayer, reading the Bible, and having a personal relationship with God.

Samuel Caraballo
So let's go to Bethlehem
An article about the shepherds in the Gospel of Luke who went to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus and how we can participate in Gods divine plan with faith and courage.

Numbers 33:21 - Cross Reference

Estas son las palabras que Moisés habló a todo Israel al otro lado (al este) del río Jordán, en el desierto, en el Arabá, frente a Suf, entre Parán, Tofel, Labán, Hazerot y Dizahab. (Deuteronomy 1:1)