King James Version
Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!(Numbers 23:10)
And Balak said unto Balaam, What hast thou done unto me? I took thee to curse mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast blessed them altogether.(Numbers 23:11)
And he answered and said, Must I not take heed to speak that which the LORD hath put in my mouth?(Numbers 23:12)
And Balak said unto him, Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, from whence thou mayest see them: thou shalt see but the utmost part of them, and shalt not see them all: and curse me them from thence.
And he brought him into the field of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars, and offered a bullock and a ram on every altar.(Numbers 23:14)
And he said unto Balak, Stand here by thy burnt offering, while I meet the LORD yonder.(Numbers 23:15)
And the LORD met Balaam, and put a word in his mouth, and said, Go again unto Balak, and say thus.(Numbers 23:16)

Other publications related to "Numbers 23:13":

Gregory Bishop
How can we resist the seduction of the devil?
The article discusses the importance of resisting the seductive teachings of the devil, using the story of Balaam in the Old Testament as an example. It emphasizes the need to remain faithful to God and avoid falling into idolatry and greed. The article also touches on the topics of repentance, heavenly food, and the sacrament.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
A wasted opportunity
The article discusses the importance of forgiveness, mercy, and peace in the Kingdom of God through the story of Dinah in Genesis 34 and the values of the Gospel. The author also shares a personal experience of witnessing violence on the streets and reflects on the worlds values of competition and aggression.

Numbers 23:13 - Cross Reference

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD. (Micah 6:5)
Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. (James 3:9)
And it came to pass on the morrow, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up into the high places of Baal, that thence he might see the utmost part of the people. (Numbers 22:41)
Then Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, arose and warred against Israel, and sent and called Balaam the son of Beor to curse you: (Joshua 24:9)
As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. (Psalm 109:17)
And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD. (1 Kings 20:28)
And the servants of the king of Syria said unto him, Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they. (1 Kings 20:23)