King James Version
And the Nazarite shall shave the head of his separation at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall take the hair of the head of his separation, and put it in the fire which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings.(Numbers 6:18)
And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them upon the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair of his separation is shaven:(Numbers 6:19)
And the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD: this is holy for the priest, with the wave breast and heave shoulder: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine.(Numbers 6:20)
This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, and of his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,(Numbers 6:22)
Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,(Numbers 6:23)
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:(Numbers 6:24)

Other publications related to "Numbers 6:21":

Samuel Acevedo
Jehovah bless you and keep you
A message about the power of the Priestly Blessing in Numbers 6:24-26 and the importance of choosing the Lords blessing over flashy ones. The speaker emphasizes the power of the presence of the Lord and encourages invoking His Name in public.

Richard Booker
The feast of tabernacles
Learn about the Feast of Tabernacles, its rituals, and how Jesus used them to demonstrate his authority and power. Discover the significance of Hezekiahs tunnel and the Pool of Siloam in the Bible.

Numbers 6:21 - Cross Reference

Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. (Galatians 6:6)
But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)
They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold, and five thousand pound of silver, and one hundred priests' garments. (Ezra 2:69)
This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled; (Numbers 5:29)