King James Version
It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:(1 Corinthians 15:43)
It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.(1 Corinthians 15:44)
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.(1 Corinthians 15:45)
Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.(1 Corinthians 15:47)
As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.(1 Corinthians 15:48)
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.(1 Corinthians 15:49)

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1 Corinthians 15:46 - Cross Reference

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. (Romans 6:6)
That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; (Ephesians 4:22)
Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; (Colossians 3:9)