King James Version
For the multitude of the people followed after, crying, Away with him.(Acts 21:36)
And as Paul was to be led into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek?(Acts 21:37)
Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?(Acts 21:38)
But Paul said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.
And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,(Acts 21:40)
Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defence which I make now unto you.(Acts 22:1)
(And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he saith,)(Acts 22:2)

Other publications related to "Acts 21:39":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Paul's evangelistic strategy
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses Pauls evangelistic strategy and his preaching in the synagogue. The article highlights the importance of knowing Gods word, having a repentant heart, and choosing Christ. It also talks about the goal of building an evangelistic congregation to bless the community.

Charles Spurgeon
You will be My witness, says Jehovah
An article on bearing witness to Gods revelation by Charles Spurgeon titled \You will be My witness, says Jehovah\.

Acts 21:39 - Cross Reference

And as Paul was to be led into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek? (Acts 21:37)
And when the governor had read the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when he understood that he was of Cilicia; (Acts 23:34)
And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, (Acts 9:11)
Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus. (Acts 9:30)
I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day. (Acts 22:3)
And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. (Acts 15:41)
But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. (1 Peter 4:15)
And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned? (Acts 22:25)
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (1 Peter 3:15)
But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out. (Acts 16:37)
This man was taken of the Jews, and should have been killed of them: then came I with an army, and rescued him, having understood that he was a Roman. (Acts 23:27)
And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia. (Acts 15:23)
Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. (Acts 6:9)