King James Version
For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.(John 4:44)
Then when he was come into Galilee, the Galilaeans received him, having seen all the things that he did at Jerusalem at the feast: for they also went unto the feast.(John 4:45)
So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.(John 4:46)
When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.
Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.(John 4:48)
The nobleman saith unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.(John 4:49)
Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.(John 4:50)

Other publications related to "John 4:47":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Jesus, greater than Moses and the Law
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the power of Jesus to heal and restore as demonstrated in the narrative of the paralytic in John 5. He emphasizes the importance of presenting Jesus Christ as the focus of Christianity rather than a religious system or institution, and highlights the superiority of Jesus over the Old Testament system of healing. The article also touches on the doctrine of hell and the invitation to accept Christ for salvation and eternal life.

Alberto González Muñoz
Less words, more life
In Less words, more life, Alberto González Muñoz reflects on the story of the man born blind in John 9, highlighting Jesus power to heal and bring new life. Despite the Pharisees skepticism, the healed man testified to the reality of his experience, and Christians are encouraged to pray for those who reject their message and reflect the love of Jesus in their lives.

John 4:47 - Cross Reference

And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. (Mark 10:47)
Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. (John 11:32)
And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was. (Mark 6:55)
And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. (Mark 2:1)
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them. (Acts 9:38)
Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. (John 11:21)
He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. (John 4:3)
This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee. (John 4:54)
Then Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof: (Luke 7:6)
And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus' feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: (Luke 8:41)