King James Version
I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.(Luke 16:4)
So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord?(Luke 16:5)
And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty.(Luke 16:6)
Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore.
And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.(Luke 16:8)
And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.(Luke 16:9)
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.(Luke 16:10)

Other publications related to "Luke 16:7":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Negotiate with the talent that God has given you
A sermon about the parable of the ten servants, emphasizing the importance of using our talents wisely and for Gods glory, being faithful in little things, and advancing the Kingdom of God through entrepreneurial, mission-minded, and apostolic efforts. The speaker also encourages investing in Gods Kingdom without fear, trusting in Gods ability to provide, and living dedicated lives of service to God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Tests come to life - The question is what are we going to do?
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of remaining firm in faith during times of trials and difficulties. He emphasizes the importance of prayer and growing in faith, as well as holding onto the Word of God. Miranda encourages Christians to remain dedicated and generous, expecting great things from God.

Luke 16:7 - Cross Reference

Then began he to speak to the people this parable; A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time. (Luke 20:9)
And again he sent a third: and they wounded him also, and cast him out. (Luke 20:12)
Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver. (Song of Solomon 8:11)