Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Juan les habló a todos: "Yo los bautizo con agua; pero viene Uno que es más poderoso que yo, a quien no soy digno de desatar la correa de Sus sandalias. El los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo y fuego. (Luke 3:16)
El bieldo está en Su mano para limpiar completamente Su era y recoger el trigo en Su granero; pero quemará la paja en un fuego que no se apaga." (Luke 3:17)
Y también con muchas otras exhortaciones Juan anunciaba las buenas nuevas (el evangelio) al pueblo. (Luke 3:18)
Pero Herodes (Antipas) el tetrarca (de Galilea), siendo reprendido por él por causa de Herodías, mujer de su hermano (Felipe), y por todas las maldades que Herodes había hecho,
añadió además a todas ellas, ésta: que encerró a Juan en la cárcel. (Luke 3:20)
Y aconteció que cuando todo el pueblo era bautizado, Jesús también fue bautizado; y mientras El oraba, el cielo se abrió, (Luke 3:21)
y el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre El en forma corporal, como una paloma, y vino una voz del cielo, que decía: "Tú eres Mi Hijo amado, en Ti Me he complacido." (Luke 3:22)

Other publications related to "Luke 3:19":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The baptism of the Holy Spirit
The importance of seeking a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit in our Christian lives and not settling for routine. Receiving the Holy Spirit has an external manifestation and connects with the energy of our nervous system and spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Pull the trigger, Lord, unleash the potential of my life!
Learn how the baptism of the Holy Spirit can ignite the potential power within us and transform the church into a powerful force for revival. Release control and surrender to the unpredictable wind of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Every believer has access to the power of the Spirit
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and its effects on fulfilling Gods tasks. He emphasizes the flexibility of Gods work and the need for believers to seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit for supernatural empowerment. The article also addresses the decline of churches and the difficulty of living a Christian life in a secular society. The speaker encourages daily seeking of the Holy Spirit and renewal of the pact with God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Three steps - repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Spirit
In this article, the importance of repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Spirit in the Christian life is discussed, with a focus on Peters sermon at Pentecost and the balance between a call to repentance and a message of mercy and forgiveness.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The gift of the Holy Spirit - John 14:15-31
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of obedience to God's commandments as a way to enjoy communion with God through the Holy Spirit, who is characterized as a comforter, encourager, strengthener, counselor, and instructor. He also emphasizes the Trinity and the need to cultivate an awareness of the Holy Spirit within us. The article concludes with a prayer for a fresh anointing and visitation of the Holy Spirit, and activation of spiritual gifts.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The Holy Spirit is in you, don't waste it. Use it.
The importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and cultivating a relationship with God in the Christian life, as discussed by Dr. Roberto Miranda.

Omar Soto
A diverse anointed community
An article about the importance of being part of a diverse and anointed community of Christ, focusing on Christian spirituality, Holy Spirit baptism, and the gifts of the Spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The anointing of the Holy Spirit
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life, using the story of Saul to illustrate how even imperfect people can receive it. He emphasizes the importance of the Pentecostal tradition, understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and actively seeking and cultivating the anointing. The article urges individuals to take responsibility for their own anointing and to seek it out for themselves and their families.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The baptism of the Holy Spirit can come into an individual's life in many ways.
Learn about the different ways the baptism of the Holy Spirit can come into an individuals life and how it can manifest without external sensational manifestations in this article by Dr. Roberto Miranda.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The Holy Spirit and the Feast of Pentecost
The Holy Spirit was imparted to the Church and its members in a spectacular way on the day of Pentecost, marking the beginning of the life of the Church and its evangelizing work through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Drunk on the Holy Spirit?
The importance of seizing opportunities to share the Gospel and sensitize people to the things of God, as well as understanding the times we are in, particularly with regards to Israel and aligning ourselves with Gods plan.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The baptism of the Holy Spirit
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as a Pentecostal Church and how it activates the Power of God within a person. He shares his own experience and encourages believers to actively seek the filling of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Luke 3:19 - Cross Reference

El que instruye al insolente, atrae sobre sí deshonra, Y el que reprende al impío recibe insultos. (Proverbs 9:7)
Porque Herodes (Antipas) mismo había enviado a prender a Juan y lo había encadenado en la cárcel por causa de Herodías, mujer de su hermano Felipe, pues Herodes se había casado con ella. (Mark 6:17)
En el año quince del imperio de Tiberio César, siendo Poncio Pilato gobernador de Judea, y Herodes (Antipas, hijo de Herodes el Grande) tetrarca de Galilea, y su hermano Felipe tetrarca de la región de Iturea y Traconite, y Lisanias tetrarca de Abilinia, (Luke 3:1)
Porque antes Herodes (Antipas) había prendido a Juan, y lo había atado y puesto en la cárcel por causa de Herodías, mujer de su hermano Felipe; (Matthew 14:3)
El insolente no ama al que lo reprende, Ni se allegará a los sabios. (Proverbs 15:12)
Al oír Juan en la cárcel de las obras de Cristo (el Mesías), mandó por medio de sus discípulos (Matthew 11:2)