King James Version
And for them, even for the priests, shall be this holy oblation; toward the north five and twenty thousand in length, and toward the west ten thousand in breadth, and toward the east ten thousand in breadth, and toward the south five and twenty thousand in length: and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst thereof.(Ezekiel 48:10)
It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which have kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites went astray.(Ezekiel 48:11)
And this oblation of the land that is offered shall be unto them a thing most holy by the border of the Levites.(Ezekiel 48:12)
And over against the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.
And they shall not sell of it, neither exchange, nor alienate the firstfruits of the land: for it is holy unto the LORD.(Ezekiel 48:14)
And the five thousand, that are left in the breadth over against the five and twenty thousand, shall be a profane place for the city, for dwelling, and for suburbs: and the city shall be in the midst thereof.(Ezekiel 48:15)
And these shall be the measures thereof; the north side four thousand and five hundred, and the south side four thousand and five hundred, and on the east side four thousand and five hundred, and the west side four thousand and five hundred.(Ezekiel 48:16)

Other publications related to "Ezekiel 48:13":

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I will not offer a sacrifice that costs me nothing
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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The author emphasizes the importance of generosity and gratitude in the fulfilling of the great commission and the growth of the church, reflecting on the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon their congregation and the importance of giving thanks to the Lord for these blessings. The article discusses the tradition of offering sacrifices and offerings to the Lord, as well as the need for forgiveness and commitment to a life of holiness and obedience to God.

Ezekiel 48:13 - Cross Reference

And of this measure shalt thou measure the length of five and twenty thousand, and the breadth of ten thousand: and in it shall be the sanctuary and the most holy place. (Ezekiel 45:3)
Take heed to thyself that thou forsake not the Levite as long as thou livest upon the earth. (Deuteronomy 12:19)
And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house. (Luke 10:7)
And the five and twenty thousand of length, and the ten thousand of breadth shall also the Levites, the ministers of the house, have for themselves, for a possession for twenty chambers. (Ezekiel 45:5)