King James Version
Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.(Ezekiel 20:12)
But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they despised my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly polluted: then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness, to consume them.(Ezekiel 20:13)
But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, in whose sight I brought them out.(Ezekiel 20:14)
Yet also I lifted up my hand unto them in the wilderness, that I would not bring them into the land which I had given them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands;
Because they despised my judgments, and walked not in my statutes, but polluted my sabbaths: for their heart went after their idols.(Ezekiel 20:16)
Nevertheless mine eye spared them from destroying them, neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness.(Ezekiel 20:17)
But I said unto their children in the wilderness, Walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers, neither observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols:(Ezekiel 20:18)

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Ezekiel 20:15 - Cross Reference

Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness: (Psalm 106:26)
I lifted up mine hand unto them also in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the heathen, and disperse them through the countries; (Ezekiel 20:23)
And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? (Hebrews 3:18)
And the LORD heard the voice of your words, and was wroth, and sware, saying, (Deuteronomy 1:34)
But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai. (Numbers 26:64)
Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it: (Numbers 14:23)
So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.) (Hebrews 3:11)
For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. (Hebrews 4:3)
Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest. (Psalm 95:11)